The kids are most beloved members of every family. Everyone takes maximum care of the small ones, but daily care is done by the mother. By...
Snoring is one of the most common problems which many people face. While normal people can peacefully sleep with the gentle flow of air passing from...
Smoking causes cancer! This is known to all and still some of us are addicted to these cancer causing sticks. Smoking is known to trigger the...
Healthy foods for weight loss don’t exist and neither do miracle foods for brain health. However, we’ve got five super foods that won’t only improve your...
Cats and dogs have what is called a nictitating membrane or third eyelid. This third eyelid acts with the tear duct allowing easy movement of the...
Chemotherapy and radiation are typical treatments for cancer patients. While these can be very effective at ridding the body of cancer, they can have some detrimental...
A surgical procedure known as breast reconstruction helps to reconstruct human breast to its normal proportion, size and shape after an injury, mastectomy or in other...
With so many diets to choose from, it’s not easy to figure out which diet will be the best one that works for you. All the...
Sinus infection, or sinusitis, is a condition that affects the air-filled pockets in your head (sinuses) by causing inflammation and swelling. A sinus infection typically happens...
The number of autism cases is sky-rocketing, and the most alarming thing of all is the fact that nobody really knows what is responsible for this....