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The Many Reasons Of Common Ear crisis In Children & Its Treatments

The kids are most beloved members of every family. Everyone takes maximum care of the small ones, but daily care is done by the mother. By nature kids are very curious and playful, often leading to situations where they eat something from the ground; put any small object to the ear or splash with water for longer time, etc. Their innocent and bubbly nature can hardly understand dangerous outcomes of these innocent actions; however a mother does sense her kids’ problem in a jiffy. So, health wise the most common ear problems in children are cold related ear pain, glue ear, middle ear or Otitis media and Otitis externa, etc. The magical organ of the human body is the ear. It helps the child to hear and for balance.  The main three portions of ear are outer, middle and inner ear. The inner ear plays the vital role of balancing the body.

Basically an ear infection may happen due to virus or bacteria. The common cold is a genuine problem which inflames the delicate earlobes or the whole ear of the child. A child feels sharp pain while eating his meal or during yawning. Parents do the necessary of rushing for an Ear drop, cleaning of ear, etc , however it is pretty important to understand the cause of ear pain. Some of the causes are like constant cold, regular fever, swimming sessions or bad weather. The Eustachian tube connects the nasal passage with the middle ear which allows the spread of cold into the middle section of the ear. So the middle ear infection or Otitis Media can cause the partial hearing loss. The middle ear’s Eustachian tube gets blocked with liquids causing deafness. Partial deafness is another cause often happens to children while they get hurt during playing in the grounds, falling off from a higher place, etc.  Ear injury is another ear problem faced by children. Small items like buttons, pencils are some dangerous objects that are often put into the ear lobe by children, which cause injury and pain in it. Cleft palate is another reason that also affects the ear causing problem. Otitis externa or swimmer’s ear is a common cause of hearing problem.

All of the above points are the many reasons of common ear crisis; problem in children and these should be checked frequently by Audiologists and otolaryngologists. Many of it are treated non-surgically with a balloon inflated thorough the nose of a child makes him very relieved.  A click sound will happen as balloon is inflated extracting fluids out of the Eustachian tube or mid-ear. This easy solution will wipe out common ear problems in children very easily.

Jenny Matthews
