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Foot Pain and Solutions

Foot pain is never normal according to medical experts. And since our feet are the two most abused and used parts of our body we must see to it that we they are given proper attention and care. Our feet are also prone to more injuries that any of our body parts that is why it is important that we invest time for foot care.

A lot of people out there have been experiencing pain that can go from mild to severe. What then are the causes of foot pain and how can you solve them?

Here are the top five reasons for foot pain and its solution:

Ingrown nails. The pain from an ingrown nail is caused by the corners of the toenails that grow into the soft tissue of the toe. Also known as onychocryptosis, or unguis incarnates, ingrown nails causes swelling, redness and sometime infection. To get rid of the problem a podiatrist performs surgical treatment to cut away the ingrown nail. A chemical home treatment follows to keep the nail from growing back.

Corns and Calluses. They are areas of thick and hardened dead skin that is caused by pressure from footwear and when it grows larger they may certainly be painful. The remedy for corn and calluses may be by applying salicylic acid but the best treatment is to correct whatever it is that causes the pressure or friction. And remember never to cut them or burn them off.

Bunions. This is an abnormal, bony lump that appears at the base of the big toe where it attaches to the foot. This is develops in early adulthood and get worse as the foot spreads because of aging. Bunions can be extremely painful that is why some doctors may require surgery. However, the first step in solving this foot problem is by the use of orthotics, padding and splinting to help relieve pain.

Osteoarthritis of the foot and ankle. Also referred as the “wear-and-tear” arthritis, this is a degenerative joint disease that develops as people grow old. Symptoms include swelling in the joint, stiffness in the joint, tenderness, pain and reduced inability to move. Pain solutions for Osteoarthritis are pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, hot/cold therapy, braces and weight control. There are also surgical alternatives for arthritis pain in the foot and ankle.

Plantar fasciitis. This is common in middle-aged people but also happens in younger people who are always on their feet like soldiers and athletes. This too is the most frequent cause of heel pain that can be on one foot only or both. Plantar fasciitis is actually caused by the straining of the ligament that supports the arch. When the cycle repeat, tiny tears in the ligament occurs that can lead to pain. Pain solution for Plantar fasciitis are anti-inflammatory drugs, cortisone injection, and physical therapy. But you can also just give your feet a rest, put ice on the swelling, do toe stretches or probably get a new pair of shoes with a good arch support.

Saima B

