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Make Up Tips For Your 40s – How To Look Your Best No Matter Your Age

If you don’t update your makeup style every decade then you are doing yourself a great disservice. The styles and colors that suited you in the 20s and 30s will not look very good as you enter your 40s. In fact, if you are clinging to an earlier look in order to look younger then you will actually have the opposite result. The following makeup tips are perfectly suited to your changed needs as you enter your forth decade and they will actually help you look younger than your age.

1. Less is more: An understated look will help you look very attractive. You should therefore tone down your makeup and work towards a more natural look. If, for example, you use foundation or concealer then you should apply it very sparingly. It is also a good idea to mix a bit of your moisturizer into it so that it becomes lighter. The texture of your skin changes as you age and heavy makeup will settle into your pores and fine lines, making them look unnecessarily prominent. Be especially careful when using eyeliner because excess of it can make you look very old.

2. Say no to glitter: Any makeup that has shimmer or glitter will give you a harsh look. Natural colors will suit you better, whether you buy a lipstick, eyeshadow or blush.

3. Stay away from very youthful looking products: Certain colors are perfect for teenagers or young adults and simply awful on mature women. Bright colored eye shadow or mascara will not suit you at all and should be replaced with natural looking brown or black.

4. Don’t forget your crowning glory: Get a good hairstyle and get your hair colored to cover up grey hair.

5. Never compromise on quality: You should buy the best quality beauty products that you can afford. Do remember that your skin is very sensitive as you age and inferior quality products can hasten aging. In fact, you should try out beauty products that come with high moisturizer content so that your skin remains supple and moist.

If you are unsure about what colors and products will look good on you then you should ask the salesperson at a high end cosmetic store for makeup tips. You should also look at pictures of ladies who carry their age gracefully so that you have a good idea about how to make up your own face. You will be amazed at the difference that good make up does to your looks and confidence.

Rizvana Manzoor