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How to Get Rid of Sunspots Fast

There are a whole number of methods you can use to get rid of sunspots. Sunspots can appear almost anywhere, but there are a few places where they are most common. The face, back, shoulders and chest are some of these. There are also many different treatments for sunspots. These treatments can be either natural/organic or synthetic/commercial. Generally both methods work equally as well in terms of end result, however the natural/organic alternatives usually take longer to work. In other words, the commercial products act faster.

Sunspots are not the same as freckles. Although they look similar, they are different. Freckles are generally predisposed and there is no direct causation between sun and freckles.

Mild acids work best for removing sunspots.

There are a number of natural options. The first being lime juice. It’s a natural bleacher meaning it will clear the skin. Rub it into the skin about two times a day until they are gone. Along with the lime juice, red onion can also be beneficial. Rubbing a slice of onion onto it also ingrains the mild acid which helps lighten the skin.

Apple cider vinegar has been known for a long time to be good at getting rid of sunspots.

Aloe Vera gel can be used twice a day to lighten the skin.

Sunspots caused by Tinea Versicolor have a special commercial treatment available. Ketoconazole is the best option.

RetinA is also very effective but must be used moderately as it is very drying and harsh.

There are also a number of medical procedures that can be used to even out the skin tone and therefore remove sunspots. Microdermabrasion, laser treatment and chemical acid peels can be effective however very expensive.

Keratin helps in the renewal of collagen and elastin and as a result makes you skin fight against the UVA and UVB rays emitted by the sun. CynergyTK is a highly effective product that contains Keratin.

When using any sunspot remedy, it is usually to be applied once in the morning and once at night. (unless otherwise indicated on any label or as directed by a doctor)

Are sunspots dangerous?

According to New York Dermatologist Dennis Gross, sunspots do not mean you will contract skin cancer. However, it may show that you have a greater risk of it due to extreme exposure to sunlight. They are a good indicator for more use of sunscreen, clothing and shade on high UV days.

How can they be prevented?

As discussed above, protection from UV sun rays is critical. High SPF sunblock, staying out of direct sunlight between 11am and 3pm on high sun days and clothing all helps in preventing sun spots.

Chris P King
