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How To Apply Foundation: Brush VS Sponge VS Fingertips

“So, how should I apply foundation; with a brush, a sponge or fingertips?”

First things first…

Firstly, I want to rule out fingertips from the equation completely. Your fingertips naturally produce oil so applying foundation with your fingertips can lead to breakouts because the oil from your hands can be damaging to your pores when mixed with foundation. Applying with your fingertips also spreads bacteria from your hands all over your skin, and you also use more foundation than necessary as applying with your fingertips can give you an uneven finish, which has you using more foundation.

If you are however, set in your ways and applying foundation with your fingertips works best for you, I strongly recommend keeping a hand sanitizer in your make-up box and getting in the habit of sanitizing your hands before you apply foundation.

The Sponge

Applying foundation with a sponge will give you great coverage and make your foundation appear like it’s your own skin. Sponges can be great because they’re cheap, perfect for softening and blending the edge of your face and also work well for hard to reach places (like around the nose). The downfall is that they soak up most of your foundation, so you use a lot more foundation than needed which leads to replacing your foundation more often (pricey!), also after just one use, your sponges become jam packed with bacteria and the next time you use it you are spreading bacteria to your face which leads to breakouts.

The Brush

Applying foundation with a brush will be quite lightweight on your skin and gives you an even natural finish. A foundation brush is staple beauty tool, and if you buy an exceptionally good quality brush it can last you years. Using a brush will only use the amount of foundation that you need, so you won’t be wasting it like a sponge. Brushes do require a little love though, you need to clean the bristles every couple of months.

Marina Daniell
