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Varicose or Spider Veins and Their Ultimate Treatment Solution

People are often confused about varicose and spider veins. These veins carry minor difference. Varicose veins are enlarged, usually develop in legs. They can be seen through the skin. They may appear as purple or blue twisted, knot-like cords. One can see varicose veins anywhere in his/her body. However, these veins are most probably occur in legs. Woman can suffer from varicose veins around the anus or in the vagina during pregnancy.

On the other hand, spider veins are milder type of varicose veins, smaller than the varicose veins. They often look like a sunburst or “spider web.” Usually, they are blue or red in color. These veins are normally found on the face and legs, just under the surface of the skin.

What Causes Varicose and Spider Veins

Women are considered to suffer from varicose veins more than men suffer. The related factors that cause this skin disorder are obesity, pregnancy, menopause, prolonged standing, aging, heredity, leg injury, and abdominal straining. There are many other reasons such as post phlebitic obstruction or incontinence, venous and arteriovenous malformations, hormonal influences during pregnancy, puberty, use of birth control pills, postmenopausal hormonal replacement, history of blood clots and conditions that cause increased pressure in the abdomen including constipation, tumors, and externally worn garments like girdles.

Health experts are of the view that, varicose veins occur because blood flows down leg veins towards the feet. There are vales in normal veins. These vales act as one-way doors. They permit blood to flow in 1 direction i.e. towards the heart. When these valves fail to function properly, they lets the blood flow in both directions. As a consequence, extra blood starts flowing to the feet than there should be. This then leads to the complications of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency.

 Treatment Available for Varicose and Spider Veins

Varicose and spider veins are treated by lifestyle changes and medical treatment. Lifestyle changes help relieve symptoms, prevent complications and improve appearance. Medical procedure is the last and most effective way to treat these disorders. One of the most sought treatment options is Endovenous Radio-Frequency Ablation or Endovenous Laser Therapy. With this treatment option, surgeon closes off the abnormal routes that blood takes to flow. As a result, blood starts flowing through normal healthy veins which appropriately directs the blood back to the heart.

Laser & RFA Therapies

In this procedure, surgeons seal off the malfunctioning vein, but leave it in-situ. There are two ways to perform endovenous ablation surgery. In first case, experts use heat in order to denature proteins in the wall of the veins that causes the veins to shrink and seal shut. In the second option, they use chemicals that are considered to damage the cells in the veins walls.

In doing so, doctors insert a needle into the malfunctioning vein. Through this, they insert the ablation device. Once the device is inserted, it becomes activated along the length of the vein. The activation causes veins to occlude. As a result, blood again starts flowing through the right and healthy veins.

Since, Laser & RFA Therapy is less invasive surgery, local anesthesia is usually necessary. Once the operation is done successfully, patients can get up off the operating table. They can walk soon after the procedure. There is no need to stay overnight in the hospital.

saini prashant

