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Understanding Skin Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation is brought about by a number of factors such as exposure to sun, stress, hormonal changes (especially during pregnancy), resistance to insulin, menopause, and genetics.

Damage to the skin as a result of excessive use of skin care treatments or injury has also been shown to bring about the condition. Tattoos have also been shown to contribute in causing the condition.

There are two types of skin pigmentations hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation. Hypopigmentation which is essentially the decrease in skin pigmentation and its characterized by skin patches that become lighter and whiter in color compared to the normal surrounding skin.

On the other hand hyperpigmentation is usually characterized by darkening of an area of the skin. The darkening is brought about by overproduction of melanin. In most cases this condition is said to be harmless. While the condition is usually said to be harmless, it can be embarrassing.

The good side is that there are a number of various treatments that you can use to treat the condition. For example, there are creams, laser treatments, chemical peels, and light treatments that are very effective in treating the condition.

These treatments are usually preferred by many people because they tend to work on the skin much faster thus provide early recovery. While they are effective, most of the treatments tend to be harsh on the skin which can be very uncomfortable for you.

If you want to treat pigmentation naturally and effectively without exposing your skin to harsh chemicals you should try some of the home remedies. Some of the remedies that you can try include:

A paste of milk and honey: milk contains lactic acid which tends to peel off the affected skin leaving a beautiful skin. To increase the efficiency, you can mix the milk with curd.

Vegetable juice obtained from cucumber, potato, and tomatoes has also been found to be very effective in lightening the pigmentation. The good side with the juices is that they suit almost all skin types. To make the juice more effective you can mix lime juice with honey.

Avocado: here you need to peel the avocado, mash it and then apply the juice on the pigmented skin. The avocado aids in lightening the skin.

In addition to this you can wear face masks. Some of the effective masks that you can try are oatmeal face pack, sandalwood pack, orange peel, and mint leaves.

P K Martin
