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Tips for Brightening the Skin

Investing in a skin brightener can be an expensive and hazardous affair if done incorrectly. Surgical procedures and home remedies are some of the popular techniques employed to brighten the skin safely.

However, the surgical procedures are more expensive and go beyond the natural ingredients. On the other hand, homemade brighteners are safer and easy to use because they involve natural ingredients that can be found readily at home. Some easy tips for brightening the skin include:

· Balanced diet

There are no specific foods that can be eaten in order to brighten the skin. However, there are several nutritional elements that can be consumed daily and others avoided.

Maintaining a balanced diet is by far one of the most effective ways of achieving a brighter skin. A balanced diet helps to give a healthy glow to the skin. All processed products should be avoided because the altered ingredients have a tendency of causing blemishes and redness.

Furthermore, oily foods are overly oily or greasy often contributing to blemishes, redness and acne. It is also advisable to avoid alcohol and junk food. Natural and organic whole foods, containing low sugar and high fiber offer a better alternative by preventing bad skin from developing.

· Drink water & consume fiber

Drinking lot of water can help brighten your skin- at least 4-5 liters of water are recommended daily. Water plays an important role in rehydrating the skin, in addition to washing out toxins from the body.

This helps to keep the skin free from blemishes. Furthermore, foods that are rich in fiber are good for the skin. Whole cereals, fruits and vegetables contain high fiber content that helps to stop melanin growth, while maintaining a brighter skin complexion.

· Home remedies

There are many home remedies prepared from natural ingredients, recommended for their skin brightening ability. Therefore, in addition to a balanced diet, a homemade skin brightener can give you good results.

For example, a mixture of 3 drops of lime juice and grated tomatoes offer a good remedy. The mixture can be applied on the face and left for about 20-minutes and washed off.

This should be done twice every day, for 15-20 days. In order to brighten and tan the skin, a mixture of tomato juice and oatmeal with curd is recommended. Massage the mixture gently on the facial skin, leave it for 20-minutes and then wash off with cold water.

Furthermore, placing a piece of sliced, raw potatoes and massaging it gently on red marks and blemishes on the skin, can help with reducing them.

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