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Skin Care Tips for Swimmers

Some common problems swimmers complain about are sunburns, dry skin, rashes and irritations. Thankfully though, there are ways to prevent these from happening to you. With these simple and easy tips, you can enjoy your swimming without any skin worries.

1. Drink Up – As exercise can make your body lose water, make sure to drink lots of water when you’re going for a swim. This helps in the retention of your body’s natural moisture; thereby maintaining your skin’s hydration. Drinking water prior and after swimming can also help flush out toxins that pool toxins may have brought in to your body. It’s actually recommended that 20 ounces of water need to be consumed prior to swimming and little amounts need to be consumed every 15-20 minutes once you’re done swimming.

2. Always Shower – Showers prior to and after a swim are not just for hygienic purposes. It’s also there to aid in reducing the chlorine amount that your hair and skin were able to absorb during your swim. The shower’s water is also a good way to maintain your skin’s moisture; thus, when you’re toweling yourself dry after your shower, just pat yourself dry. Don’t rub too hard as this can remove your skin’s moisture covering. Make sure that you use a mild shower gel instead of soap so that your skin won’t get all the more dehydrated.

3. Skin Protection – Always prioritize your skin’s protection from the sun’s harmful rays. Wear sun block with an SPF of at least 15 even if the day is cloudy. Note also that sunscreen potency begins to wear off after 40 minutes so reapplication is necessary. Don a hat to protect your head, sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun’s glare and even a long sarong so that your legs won’t get full exposure to the sun’s UV rays. To be sure that your skin has indeed absorbed the sunscreen, give it about 20 minutes before jumping into the water.

4. Moisturization is the Key – Whether you’re in a water that’s chlorinated or salty, it’s essentially important that you moisturize your skin. Leading cosmetic dermatologist Dr, Jaishree Sharad says a thick moisturizer having zinc and squalene is ideal. Go for products that have vitamins A and E content as well as some natural extracts. They clean your skin while moisturizing it at the same time.

Following these steps above, coupled with a healthy diet, should prevent you from having skin problems even when you’re exposed to the water all the time. That way, you can focus on your favorite hobby minus the worries.

Hazel I. Rabor
