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Johannesburg: City of Gold

Although it’s been called by many names, Johannesburg in South Africa is often referred to as the city of gold. This is because the city was founded on a gold mine and it’s name is one of its selling point. Tourist come to Johannesburg anticipating stories on gold and mining.

However, I think, Johannesburg should actually be called the city of “green” because of its extra-ordinary collection of trees, plants and flowers.This city is one of the greenest in the world, with tall Syringas, Oaks, Sycamores and Jacaranda trees lining the streets. If ever you manage climb up a nearby hill, you will see more trees than houses. It’s absolutely incredible!

If you are thinking of visiting a breathtakingly beautiful city, if you like purple and you love trees, then come and visit Johannesburg between October and December. The Jacaranda trees are in full bloom in these months, and they proudly display their bright purple flowers for all to enjoy. There’s a saying for students; if a Jacaranda flower lands on your head, then you’ll pass your exams.

However, the trees and greenery aren’t this city’s only selling point. The newly built “Gautrain” can take you anywhere within Johannesburg, even going as far as Pretoria, South Africa’s capital. The newly built bus depots and stations as a result of the 2010 FIFA world cup are nothing to be sneezed at either.

There are a lot of things to do in Johannesburg, the experience itself is priceless and re-connecting with nature is possible here. Some worry that crime in South Africa is something to be anticipated. With the world labeling South Africa as a third world country, tourist often anticipate being fooled and therefore takes extra pre-cautionary measures in dealing with the locals.

However, in this city you’ll find that everyone will greet you, not with knives and guns, but with a smile and a thumbs-up sign. Most locals are excited to interact with tourist, as most visitors are kind enough to share stories of their travel with curious listeners. Visitors of Johannesburg are mostly educated people who are in search of deeper knowledge so you would likely find yourself engrossed in a conversation with scientists, novelists, archeologists, theoligian and the like..

Johannesburg will give you memories you will always love to look back on. This city is truly a place that should be visited at least once in your lifetime.

Letonya A Magno
