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How to Care For and Cleanse Your Skin When You Have Acne

In exactly the same way as some people claim your hair will go curly if you eat the crusts on bread, there are urban myths surrounding acne too, although some of these are slightly more believable. This makes it even more difficult to separate the good advice from the bad. It’s more important to have a small amount of correct information than a mass of incorrect information. After all you want to cure your acne problem right?

One of the most common misconceptions about acne is that it only affects teenagers. This can make it a huge shock if you are forty-something, and wake up in the morning with a huge shiny red spot on your nose. Well, to be honest, you should have had better acne awareness and been prepared for this event. Now with no cream or gel to treat it, you have no option but to brave the big world, with your new friend – the nose pimple. Remember, acne can pop up on anyone, regardless of who you are or what age you are.

Another common belief is that the second you get acne, you need to go to the doctor for advice about it. Although acne is never pleasant, the majority of spots and pimples don’t need medical attention, and will disappear in about 3 to 4 days (if you can resist poking at them that is). If you like, you can help them dry up and vanish with something like benzoyl peroxide cream, but if not, just leave them.

However, if you have acne almost constantly, it comes and goes regularly, or you have a lot of red areas, pimples and spots, then it may be best to go to see a doctor first, and then possibly on to a dermatologist for further advice and treatment.

A surprising number of people believe that the only way to treat acne is with alcohol based skin washes. Unless you have skin like a pair of old leather gloves then applying alcohol to it can be pretty painful and is best avoided. A major downside to this type of treatment is that it can dry your skin out so much that your skin goes crazy trying to produce more sebum (healthy natural skin oils). This means your skin could get more oily and even more acne could appear; the very last thing you want.

You’re far better off using a mild cleansing and moisturizing soap than anything too drastic. Your skin is already in a fragile condition when you have acne so it’s best to avoid causing it any more “stress” by pouring harsh treatments onto your skin.

Don’t scrub at your skin either. Some people will advise to almost tear at your skin with abrasive cloths and materials. Definitely the wrong way to go. Wash your skin gently with a very mild soap and pat it dry when you’re done.

Piers Valkind
