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Cotton Candy: Fun Facts Everyone Should Know

Among the many sweet treats that are available today, cotton candy is perhaps the one that exudes so much fun. Carnivals, circuses, street fairs, these are just some events that wouldn’t be complete without a cotton candy presence. Summers even wouldn’t be much of a fun summer without the spun treat around. Kids, and even adults, enjoy summertime and various fairs even more when they are having a feast of this sugary treat. In fact, even the more formal gatherings and parties have taken cotton candy in, what with the endless creative possibilities that can be done with this product to fit it into any event needing some touch of sweetness into it.

It is only fitting that this sweet confection connotes much fun. Indeed, we can understand why it is so with the fun facts about it listed below:

1. The modern world has allotted a special day for almost anything perceived as noteworthy to celebrate, and spun sugar treat is no exception. In the United States at least, a National Cotton Candy Day is celebrated every December 7, highlighting the fact that the sweet stuff has already had a hundred years of history into it to attain national significance. And of course, we need not say that cotton candy has from the time of its invention gradually delighted the whole world.

2. Cotton candy bags are huge, as the finished product are also huge. But the fact is that this confection is mostly air and only a little sugar, which accounts for its being lightweight, in fact, lighter than feathers.

3. It was formerly called fairy floss and candy floss until 1920, referring to the tiny sugar strands from which the product is made.

4. It tastes very sweet because the only ingredient it has is sugar, but a serving carries less calories with it compared to a can of soda. It won’t even cause tooth decay when consumed only in moderate amount. Apart from that, it is fat-free treat.

5. While we can enjoy this treat today fresh or pre-packaged, in many flavors, patterns, and colors, it is still the same treat that it was when it was first invented. This is because it is a simple, flawless confection to start with.

6. In Asia, Japanese and Chinese cotton candy vendors have turned the spinning of sugar from a simple industry into a form of art that is both popular and glamorous, and classes about it have emerged in some large cities.

7. The machines that are used today in making this confection is generally the same as those that were used when the first cotton candy machine was invented less than hundred years back. Innovations have been introduced, but the technology used remains the same.

8. The cotton candy machine looks simple, but it is actually a technology that applies the understanding of scientific principles related to centrifugal force, the same way that some medical equipment and many other device applies the principle to achieve an intended result. In this sense, the machine can be considered as an advancement in science.

Joe Cruze
