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Ageing – Types, Reasons and Effective Treatment Techniques

Two types of ageing generally affect the human skin; both are given below with cause and effects:

Extrinsic Ageing

Extrinsic Aging caused by external factors like ultra-violate ray, wrong sleeping position, excessive drinking and repetitive facial expressions. But it is true, most of the premature aging occurs due to unprotected exposure to the sun. Age spots, deep wrinkles and leathery skin are the symptoms of this type of aging.

Another major factor behind extrinsic aging is excessive smoking. Cigarette smoking causes unwanted biochemical changes in human body that accelerate aging very firstly. Research shows, a regular smoker find unhealthy yellowish hue to their complexion in early years. Facial wrinkling is other major result of excessive smoking.

Regular drinking can be a big reason of ageing.

Intrinsic Ageing

It is natural ageing process and develops with our age. In the beginning decade, the changes are not visible but with more duration skin cell generation rate decreases slightly. Elastin and collagen production rate reduces gradually. Major effects of intrinsic aging are:

Dryness of skin

Hair grown white and frequent loss in early age

Invisible wrinkles

Growth of unwanted hair

The attachment of skin and bone get sprinkled

Skin gets thinner

Loss of underlying fat

Thin Neil plate

Treatment procedures

It is not easy to resist intrinsic aging but with some effective actions, you can minimize the rate of extrinsic ageing. Using skin products is the most effective solution against the ageing problems.

Your skin will regain fresh and healthy look

products will help your skin in re-plumping

Gradually remove the visible wrinkles

Gently apply will reactivate your tissue support cells

If you protect yourself from excessive Sunlight, smoking and drinking habit, it is easy to reduce the rate of ageing. Elimination of facial exercises is another effective way to minimize ageing rate. It is advised to wear protective clothing like wide-brimmed hat and long sleeves, when you are in Sun.

Kilmar Nock
