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3 Ways to Straighten Curly Hair Without Damaging Heat

Curly hair comes in all shapes and sizes ranging from tight corkscrew curls to kinky curly hair, all beautiful in their own way. As gorgeous as this hair type is though, sometimes women prefer to wear a straight look for a change. The usual straightening tools such as a blow dryer and a flat-iron then comes into play. However, frequent use of these appliances on curly hair can lead to damage, breakage, split ends, dry hair and other issues. The way back from these type of damage to hair is usually by trimming your tresses and regrowing a healthy set of hair. You can try a few deep conditioning and protein treatments initially to see if you can restore your curls. If you can’t after a few tries, it’s time to let the hair go.

However, there are alternatives to straightening with heat appliances which will not damage the hair and can last just as long as straightening with heat: –


This involves sectioning hair, then wrapping an elastic band around it from the top all the way to the end and tying the ends. Wash and condition your hair as usual, then squeeze out the excess water. Afterwards, section of the hair and begin to wrap the band around each section with a firm hand but not so tight as to cause a headache. Once your hair is dry, remove the bands and you have smooth, stretched out hair. The best bands for this are Goody ouchless bands, which don’t have metal clasps. You can also band with yarn and ribbon.

Hair Curlers

This might sound contrary to the topic but this is a good way to achieve straight hair. Once you wash and condition your hair, apply your usual leave ins then start sectioning in little pieces and putting each section in the curler carefully to avoid hair loss. Once dry, you can simply finger comb or use a wide toothcomb or paddle brush to straighten out your hair, then pull into a bun. The best recommended product for this is the popular curlformers, which comes in various sizes and lengths.

CWK Plates

This is a hair-stretching tool, which can be applied to any hair type and length. After the usual treatment with hair, you add in the hair into the plates in small sections and snap the plates together. You can use indirect heat such as a hair dryer to hasten the drying process but it’s really not necessary and will dry on its own in record time due to the design. Afterwards, shake out and finger comb and you will have smooth straight hair, which can last up to two weeks.

Admittedly, none of the methods above will give the extreme straightness of a flat iron but if your purpose is to achieve straight stretched out hair for a different look for a few weeks, then jump in with any of the methods above. Your hair will thank you for it.

Abi Faniran
