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Top Beauty Advice for Women Approaching Their Fifties

As we hit each milestone birthday, we can expect to be hit with big changes, both in our lives and with regards to our appearance. During our teens and twenties, we often take our looks for granted, not realising that one day we will look back with envy when we think of our youthful, wrinkle free selves. As we hit the age of 30, the signs of aging begin to appear and as we go through our forties, we are also hit with hormonal changes which can affect the way that we look. When we hit the age of 50, we can expect to experience further changes in our appearance as age continues to take its toll.

When we reach the age of 50, we often notice patches of pigmentation on our skin and age spots. Age spots are formed when cells create skin pigment when not exposed to the sun. Most commonly, age spots appear on the face, arms and hands. In our fifties, we may also notice spider veins appearing. Spider veins are caused when the sun damages our blood vessels and the damage comes to the surface.

During our thirties and forties we will have already noticed aging around our eyes and this continues during our fifties when we may notice that our eyelids become wrinkled and sometimes they form a hood around the eye. During our fifties, our pores also begin to grow, this is because when our skin becomes looser, pores become wider and more exposed. At this age, we will also find that our skin becomes more flaky and dehydrated that it used to due to reduced collagen and elastin.

One of the biggest changes that most women experience during their fifties is of course, the menopause. This is when our body goes through significant hormonal changes. As oestrogen production slows down, we have less sebum in our skin which makes it dryer. Due to hormonal changes, there can often be an imbalance in hormones which can cause facial hair.

During your fifties, the best beauty treatments contain vitamin A. You could also look for products which contain retinol. This can help to make your skin firmer than it would be otherwise. If you regularly apply this, new skin cells and collagen will be produced at a more rapid rate. To combat that dry, flaky skin, buy a good night cream and apply it every night.

Alice George
