Snorkelling is a very easy water sport to master within few minutes irrespective of a person knows how to swim or not. However, there are a couple of effective skills that determine that a person is having a good and safe experience or not. Putting on the snorkeling wetsuits and getting ready to take the lessons are the first thing that one has to do; prior to getting in the water. Whether it’s an adult or a child, the tips for these skills will apply to all of them.
7 Effective Skills to Learn for Snorkelling
1. Fitting of equipments and accessories
The fins must be a bit loose, for that one must attempt standing on his toes while he had the fins worn. If the heels stay inside the fin’s foot pocket, it’s a perfect fit. The mask stays on the face when it’s against it, while the air is inhaled from its cavity, but it still doesn’t fall irrespective of the head-strap not tied; it certainly won’t let the water leak in.
2. Setting up everything
The mask-strap must be worn above the ears and at the broadest part of a person’s head, with comfortable tightness. The angle of the snorkel should be adjusted until top of the snorkel tube doesn’t point backwards in the direction of the ear, so it may stick-up outside the water surface, when the person is face-down in water. There shouldn’t be any hair trapped in the middle of the face and mask, which could make mask leak.
3. Spit on the lenses
Before getting into the water, one must spit on the lenses inside the mask and rub the inside of the lenses. After that one must immediately rinse it prior to putting it on. It prevents the lenses from fogging while a person snorkels.
4. Breathing technique
One must only breathe from his mouth as breathing through the nose may force mask right away from the face and make the water leak in. One must practice with the mask on with snorkel and experience how it feels to breathe from the mouth. It may take a little time, but an enthusiast novice snorkel practitioner will get used to it
.5. Finntechnique
One must keep his knees straight and keep his toes and ankles relaxed, this will avoid any movement from the buttocks of a person, while he is in the water. Under no circumstances a person should put force onto his limbs to keep them straight as it may give him cramps. This could be mastered by trying to swim on the back first, while the knees do not break the water-surface. Then the same must be tried while swimming on the front. All this time the hands must be by the sides of the body.
6. Getting the leaked water out of the snorkel and mask
When there is a little water leaked into the mask, just look up and then pull the mask’s bottom off the face so the water drains out. This is to be done above the surface of the water, not below the water-surface. If the water gets into the snorkel, it may be blown out like Flipper.
7. Relax the body and enjoy
Once the body is floating and quiet, the fish comes out from its hiding and swims around. This is the best way to let the kids in childrens wetsuits enjoy.
Steve Brown