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Get More Out of Cosmetics by Following 6 Simple Tips

Cosmetics offers people an amazing ability to transform their appearance.  Unfortunately, when used incorrectly or with poor techniques even the best makeup can detract from a person’s natural beauty rather than enhance it.  Everyone’s skin and style are different but that doesn’t mean there are not some fundamental tips that will universally help people get more out of their cosmetics.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is separating their skin care regime from there cosmetics routine.  To get the best results always choose cosmetic products which are formulated to match skincare goals.  For example, if someone suffers from blemishes it is helpful to purchase a concealer which contains ingredients that will accelerate healing time.

Nothing can make or break a look faster than the concealer.  Before applying cosmetics, concealer is a great way to minimize imperfections and reduce flaws.  At the same time, if used incorrectly it can actually draw attention to them.  The easiest way to avoid this is by applying concealer after applying foundation.  Plus, it’s important to only start with a tiny dab and add more as needed.

Cosmetics give people the power to emphasize their best features so skipping the liner is always a big mistake.  Lip liner and eyeliner are excellent tools that will help define the eyes and mouth, which are essential aspects of any great makeup look.  Even if someone wants a subtler look, a liner brush provides an excellent alternative to lipstick or eye shadow.

Skin requires daily protection from the sun.  Anyone who is applying cosmetics every day should look for products which include SPF protection.  It’s the best way to protect against dangerous UVA and UVB rays while simultaneously improving complexion and enhancing and overall look.

One of the most important tips everyone should remember is it is critical to remove makeup at the end of the day.  Regardless of how tired you are never skip using a high quality makeup remover.  If cosmetics are not fully removed it is common for impurities to be left behind.  Over time, these impurities will lead to skincare problems.

Finally, always use the right tools when applying cosmetics.  Just because a brush is labeled with a specific intended use doesn’t mean it can be used for something else.  For example, a larger face brush can be used for both powders and blushes.  At the same time, it is essential that the size of the brush head matches the area it is applying makeup to.  For example, larger blending brushes shouldn’t be used in the crease of the eye – even though you are using it for its “intended purpose” – blending.

Proper cosmetics application takes practice, time, and a little experimentation.  The only way to learn how to use a specific type of makeup is by practicing.  At the same time, you can easily implement these six tips to avoid the most common mistakes people make and get the most out of your cosmetics.

Rosario Berry
