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Beauty Tips to Create a More Beautiful You

Beauty Tips to Create a More Beautiful You

It’s true that every generation has its own collection of beauty tips. They come and go. Once the rage, they become with the passage of time, the dregs of discarded beauty advice. Fads catch on and spread like wild fires and everywhere you turn fads on display on cosmetic aisles, in magazines, on television and on billboards. Are there any that withstood the test of time? Happily, yes—some as old as history itself. Cleopatra has her milk and honey bath, and Marilyn Monroe has her poutry luscious lips and a few stones’ throw away from ancient history, the ever beautiful Sophia Loren (still looks gorgeous well into her golden years) her own take on beauty with an attitude.

Eye Brow

Do you notice how a picture will actually pop when you put a frame around it, especially one carefully chosen to highlight the picture? The same is true for the eye brow. Whether your eye brow is scanty or bushy or unwiedy, don’t be brow-beaten. They can be tamed into shape and a well-defined one can actually highlight your eyes, define your face and give it an exquisite look.

There are many ways to achieve the perfect eye brow for your face. You can seek professional help or just buy a good pair of tweezers to shape your eye brow.

Eye Lashes

We know that but how can anyone see the light in your eyes if they lack luster? Put some oomph into your eyes by creating a wide-awake look. How? Put some curl on your eyelashes and add some mascara for effects. It instantly opens up the eyes and gives it sparkle and emphasis.

De-puff Your Eyes

If you have one of those puffy eyes days, you know the feeling. It can be as bad as a bad hair day. Puffy eyes make you look tired, aged and worn—not the best face forward for sure. There are a number of tricks to de-puff your eyes—tea bags, cucumber and potato slices, and cold compress. And applying the right shade of eye-shadow can help too. Try deep smoky shade of eye-shadow in brown, green, blue or gray.

Glowing Skin

Skin care is paramount to good skin. Develop a daily routine of caring for your skin with nourishing moisturizers. They don’t have to be expensive, they do have to have nutrients and ingredients that boost collagen production, replenish moisture and protect against cellular damage. Mayo clinic suggests retinols, hydroxyl acids, coenzyme Q10, copper peptides, kinetin, tea extracts. Other notables include vitamin A, C, E and K, zinc, copper, selenium, linoleic acid and hyaluronic acid.

Skin Protection

Whether you’re a sun worshipper or you visit the shrine of tanning booths (way too many times), UV radiation from these light sources can cause cellular damage to your skin. Wrinkles, age spots, freckles, pigmentation are some of the unwelcome side-effects. It can age you before your time and it may even cause skin cancer. So, be good to your skin—never go naked i.e. never leave the house without your sunscreen on. Dermatologists recommend using a sunscreen with at least a SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 15 and above. Slather them on, even on cloudy days and your skin will keep its elasticity more effectively.

Rosy Glow

Want a healthy glow to your face? Try some rouge on your cheeks. Dab on a little red and watch your face light up. A little red goes a long way to liven up pale or dull skin. Pick a flattering shade and apply it lightly to the apple of your cheek.
Hands and Neck
“A woman’s second face is in her hands.” ~ ancient Chinese proverb.

Pamper your hands and neck or they will tattletale on you. Wrinkled hands and turkey-like neck don’t speak well and will give you away even if your face is looking good. So, while you’re religiously taking care of your face, give some loving moisturizing care to your hands and neck.

Less is More

Someone says that the motto for make-up is “Use very little, but choose very well.” That’s especially true for a face that has seen quite a few wrinkles. Heavy foundation tends to collect in lines. Result?—wrinkles become more magnified.

Listen to what celebrity makeup artist Scott Barnes has to say in his new tome About Face” Creating your most beautiful self doesn’t require a lot of makeup.” He further adds that a loving soul, self-confidence and comfort in your skin are the most essential elements to achieving a tasteful and alluring you.

Add Color

Sometimes a splash of color can lift your spirit and confidence. If you feel drab, add a dash of color for an instant fabulous make over. It can be bright coat, a colorful scarf or bright playful shoes or a stunning belt—a little quirk, a little spunk and your day may just be brighter.

Attitude Conquers

A positive attitude and a sense of confidence can add a great dimension to beauty perception. If you think and therefore you are—then believing in yourself and your own beauty (however the world defines it) can play you up in the beauty totem pole. So hold your head up high (not haughty but sure ) and wow the world.

