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What Does the Color of Your Cool Shirt Say About You?

Finding the right cool shirts for summer apparently looks easy, but can become quite a difficult task. There are just so many flattering colors out there, so the question remains. Which color should you pick? Here we shall look at the colors that can be used to compliment your mood. Remember, once you know what these hues say about you, you’ll never have problems selecting your outfit again. Since we are discussing summer trends, you would also love to know how you can use tie dye colors to your advantage.

Stand Out with Red

Red cool shirts, both on their own and in combination with colors make you look and feel powerful. You are sure to grab loads of attention and stand out in a crowd. Studies show that red is a passionate color, and you can wear your favorite red shirt to hang out with people you love.

Amp up the Fun with Yellow

Yellow, as you probably know is a fun color. You are more likely to be perceived as active, cheerful and interesting when you wear yellow cool tie dye shirts. This fun color is also known to boost your mood, but it needs to be used with caution.

Yellow tie dye or any other cool shirt looks stunning when paired with white pants or denim. So if you’re looking for an energy boost on a casual event, don’t forget to wear yellow.

Show Your Compassion and Deep Feelings with Purple

Lighter shades of purple suggest that you are sensitive and compassionate person. Wearing deeper shades of the same color, on the other hand, tells that you are looking to bring out the best in life. Tie dyes and even basic cool shirts in purple are a great way to boost your imagination. Try wearing them to events where you need some genius or creative ideas to have fun.

Bring Out Your Successful Side with Blue

Blue is no stranger when you talk about commanding cool colors. Wearing a blue cool shirt helps you think clearly and shows others that you are friendly and powerful. Most notable thing about blue is that it is equally loved by men, women, youth and even kids. Another reason most people prefer wearing blue is that all tints, shades and hues can easily be teamed with existing pieces of your wardrobe.

Feel Calm with Green

Green is believed to be calm and peaceful. You can choose to wear shirts in green to feel refresh and re energized when you’re busy soaking up the sun.

Sam Stephan
