Many ladies like to have painted nails and toes which reflect their sophistication in life, character and status. Some would paint their own nails while others may seek professional beauticians at the salon. However, the trend is growing for manicure and pedicure sessions at home than at the salon. There is more cost savings, convenience and comfort.
Environment choice
Most ladies prefer their own home environment at all times. The saying, ‘nothing like home’ is very apt for ladies who find comfort and solace in their own home. Hence, it is not surprising that they prefer to enjoy a manicure and pedicure at home than in a salon with strangers besides the traveling and weather conditions to be considered. Home beauty sessions on manicure and pedicure would have the professional mobile beautician come over to the house with a confirmed appointment.
The session can be just for one person or a small group depending on the hostess. Some ladies may organize a ladies’ tea party or afternoon get-together where they can be pampered with professional manicure and pedicure services while enjoying their cake and coffee. High society ladies enjoy this practice as they can entertain at home while being pampered from head to toe.
Home sessions
Home manicures and pedicures by professional beauticians who do house calls are fun and comfortable. The qualified and experienced mobile beauticians would bring in the necessary beauty treatment kits to accommodate the different requests of the guests. Hence, it is better to call up the mobile beautician prior to the manicure and pedicure session for a detailed request on the requirements of the session. The mobile beautician would bring along a wide range of nail colors, varnishes and tools to service the ladies at the house.
A home manicure and pedicure session makes the lady feel very special and pampered as she is waited on hands and feet literally. The mobile beautician is very skilled in handling the fingers and toes gingerly while working on the nails and shaping them to perfection. Different nail colors are tested before application depending on the skin color and type as well as the occasion. The mobile beautician can also serve as a beauty consultant where excellent advice is offered on the best nail colors to apply for different occasions or themes. Ladies at these manicure and pedicure home sessions would learn a lot more than reading from beauty books for the best results.
Davis X Ashton