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Why Skin Creams Use Caffeine

Did you know that skin care creams are now using caffeine as a major ingredient to help combat cellulite? Did you ever think caffeine could actually burn fat? Drinking down gulps of coffee will not get you to your weight loss goal, but caffeine, when applied topically, can help reduce the appearance of fat on those thighs, stomachs, and buttocks.

Why caffeine is so good and why you should have more of it

Caffeine for the Eyes

Caffeine has been proven to help swollen eyes and breakdown fatty cells. That is one reason why placing coffee over your eyes is helpful. Think of it as a beauty mask. Five minutes on each eye and you are seeing clearer out of both – well, not really, it does nothing for your vision, but your eyes will look better. You eyes will exude a glow that will give you a radiant look all day long.

Coffee Over the Hips

A coffee wrap has been proven to be successful, as it drains the fat cells and prevents new ones from forming. Here is what you need to do in seven simple steps:

1. Pour coffee beans into a plastic bowl.

2. Add boiling water to the bowl until all beans are covered.

3. Let water and beans set for 20 minutes to 25 minutes.

4. Strain coffee beans.

5. Place beans on skin and wrap.

6. Roll plastic wrap around hips, and thighs with the coffee beans. Use scotch tape to hold into place.

7. It can also be wrapped around your waist to get rid of those ugly love handles.

8. Leave on the kin for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Coffee Clinical Trials

Not every company selling caffeine-based products has clinical results for how caffeine reacts with the skin. However, some do and those are to be trusted a little more. It is important to know what the reaction will be and what is causing the reaction. Companies, which take the time to figure this out, may serve you better in the future.

Why coffee is good for your skin?

  • Works as an antioxidant
  • Dehydrates fat cells
  • Smooths skin
  • Reduces appearance of fat, cellulite

Drinking coffee in moderation only helps the process along, so now you have another reason why you have to stop by your favorite coffee shop. Go overboard though and you will add to your cellulite problem, not take from it.

Coffee drinkers can rejoice all over knowing that they are not only getting positive stimulation, but positive body image too. Cellulite thighs and bellies do not have to define you. You can now rock any swimsuit like never before. With just a little exercise and anti-cellulite cream, you can wear whatever you want to wear.

Charles Dickens
