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Want to Look Like Julia Roberts on the Red Carpet? (Duh.) Her Trainer’s Here to Help

Even Julia Roberts doesn’t look like Julia Roberts all the time. She’s a busy mom of two and is choosy about her appearances, so she doesn’t always have to be in couture dress shape. But when she does want to gear up for a major red carpet run (as she will be soon, for this winter’s buzzed-about August: Osage County), she turns to celebrity trainer Bizzie Gold to whip her into shape in a flash.

Gold’s 30 Day Slim Down is already huge in Hollywood, but she’s exclusively giving us a peek at her 7 Day Red Carpet Ready plan (available this week on her site for $24.99) so you’ll be Instagram-ready before any important event this season.

In the seven days leading up to the event, Gold recommends you do follow the six steps, in her own words below. We have a feeling you’re going to like the first one! Check them all out, then let us know your best quick shape-up tips in the comments.

1. Everyone thinks doing extra cardio will help you shed the last minute weight, but it will actually derail your efforts. Minimize your workouts as much as possible, about two to three days before an event. Yoga is fine.

2. The main goal is to stabilize blood sugar as much as possible. Every morning for the week before the event (I’d suggest every day of your life, though!) ingest a protein shake with at least 30 grams of protein and no fruit or anything other than water or raw coconut water — within 30 minutes of waking up. The 7 Day Red Carpet recipe guide has more info on protein.

3. Try not to eat breakfast after your protein shake. During this weeklong phase of prepping for the “red carpet,” you want to let your metabolism and digestion reset and function optimally. After your shake, go about your morning in a normal manner. If you’re going to a yoga or Pilates class, this is a good time to go. You should not be feeling hungry until about 11:00 a.m., depending on the time you wake. At 11, you can have one of the lunch options from the “Red Carpet Ready” recipes.

4. Switch your water this week to alkaline only. It will help your digestion in a major way. If you want to purchase alkaline water, that’s great! Try PUR or Alka. If you make your own, you can use our recipes for lemon or baking soda versions.

5. Minimize your salt intake. This is especially important this week to de-bloat as much as possible. Once you adapt to a different overall nutritional lifestyle, this will not be as important but until then this is critical!

6. Finally, use a hot compress at night! Fall asleep or put on your favorite show with a hot compress on your abdomen. My favorite is getting Japanese konyaku (mountain yam) packs, which you can purchase at Asian markets, and boiling them for 20-25 minutes. Take them out, wrap in towels and place two to three blocks of konyaku on your abs. These hold heat for a long time, but they can also burn you so be sure to wrap well in towels. Pull your blankets over the compress and relax for at least an hour.

People Magazine
