A large number of women are opting to have permanent makeup tattooed onto their faces rather than go through the hassle every day of applying the makeup in these areas. Having their eyebrows tattooed, and lip liner permanently tattooed onto their lips, is a convenience that saves them time when they are getting ready to go out. The hardest part of having permanent makeup tattooed onto your face may be deciding which makeup you want.
Before you run out and have eyebrows tattooed onto your face you need to consider how often you apply eyebrow makeup. Many women never pluck their eyebrows so for them having eyebrows tattooed onto their face would be a waste of money. Some women pluck their eyebrows off completely and the draw them back on, and some women merely have their brows shaped. If you do not completely remove your natural brows and then draw them back using an eyebrow pencil then tattooing them on permanently is not for you.
Lip liner is something that most women use when they apply their lipstick before they go out. Lip liner works like the outlines you once drew on your coloring pages before filling in the color. The outline color makes the lips look fuller, and more inviting. For many women putting their lip liner on is a hassle, because if you do not get this product on perfectly straight you will look funny. Having the lip liner put on as a permanent makeup product would keep the women from ever having crooked lips because their hands were shaking when they applied their makeup.
Lip liner makes sense for women that wear lipstick frequently. Many women wear it every day, but women who seldom wear lipstick would not benefit from having lip liner tattooed on their lips. Consider the frequency in which you wear lipstick, and what the lip liner is going to look like on the days you choose not to wear makeup, before you decide to have this procedure done.
Some women have their eyeliner put on as permanent makeup to keep them from having to draw it on each day when they did their makeup. The permanent eyeliner looks wonderful, and can be tattooed on the upper, and the lower eyelids. Any woman that has ever gotten almost finished applying their makeup and then had to wash most of it away because she put her eyeliner on crooked could appreciate having this type of makeup put on permanently.
Having eyeliner put on as a permanent fixture on your face does not make sense unless you normally wear this type of product every day. If you go without makeup products frequently then you may want to think twice before you get eyeliner tattooed onto your eyelids.
These types of tattoos are like any other form of ink that you can get on your body. You must think about what you are having done, how it will impact you now, and how it will impact your looks in the future.