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Tips on How to Treat Insomnia at Home

There are several ways to treat insomnia at home and here are some of them:

Help make your bedroom comfortable for sleeping.

Before going to sleep, ensure your bedroom is free from clutter and noise. If the persons in the adjacent room are loud, ask them to keep quiet because you want to sleep. Also, look at the beddings if they are clean and free of dust so your skin will not feel bothered. See if the air conditioner is operating well and set it to your preferred temperature. More important, keep your room dark.

Do some before-bedtime rituals to set your mind that it is time to sleep after.

As kids, we know that when our moms ask us to take a shower, don our pajamas and listen to their bedtime stories the time is near for us to sleep. Do the exact same things as our moms – develop some before-bedtime rituals to alert your brain that after these routines, you are soon to doze off. For instance, take a warm bath for about one to two hours to completely relax your mind and body.

Have a slice of banana at dinner time.

One of the ways to treat insomnia at home would be to eat banana, which has tryptophan. It is an amino acid that makes serotonin, which is a brain element that allows for sleeping. Other foods rich in tryptophan are chicken and milk (decide to drink one warm glass of milk).

Tend not to drink coffee in the afternoon.

The coffee you drink in the afternoon is still active in your body; hence, it can affect the quality of your sleep. It can also make you pee frequently at night.

Get help from essential oils.

Apply lavender oil to your forehead and temples before bedtime. The smell should be able to help you drift off. You may also think of rubbing your pillow and other beddings with jasmine essential oil. This can help you in having a peaceful sleep. On the other hand, do you normally take a bath before you decide to doze off in bed? Try to combine five drops of lavender oil in the water. You’ll enjoy your bath; but you will take pleasure more in your sleep.

Keep the smartphone, laptop and other related gadgets in the cabinet.

You have to keep them out of your sight or you will attempt to use them before bedtime and they can considerably lessen the creation of melatonin, the hormone that is accountable for making you sleepy. The same goes with watching television prior to sleeping.

If after trying to do all the ways to treat insomnia at home and nothing significant happens, what should you do? It is now time to see a sleep doctor. You need professional guidance to cure your insomnia.

Wanda Curry
