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Signs and Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

The signs and symptoms of thyroid disease can be hidden due to the numerous effects that thyroid disease can have on the body. Figuring out and resolving the thyroid symptoms can not only bring quality of life but a sense of well being. Some of the common signs and symptoms are revealed below.


Fatigue is a common complaint of thyroid disease and it is weakness, lack of energy, lack of motivation to get up and get going. It is also difficulty starting and finishing projects or activities. When it is hard to function in the daily activities of life due to fatigue it brings about other symptoms such as depression.

However, fatigue can be fought and you can win against it. Hyperthyroidism can cause fatigue because the body has been “revved up” all day with a rapid pulse, tremors or a higher blood pressure.

Hypothyroidism can cause fatigue due to a low body temperature, sluggishness, and weakness that a low functioning thyroid can bring.

Hair Loss

Hair loss is a frequent complaint of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hair loss occurs due to abnormal hormone levels in the body because the thyroid is not working correctly.

Also, energy expenditures are rerouted somewhere else besides growing hair. Hair will look dry, brittle, become fine and lack luster. However, usually when proper dosages of prescribed medication are given for the thyroid condition, then hair loss will cease and hair production will begin again.

Skin/Nails/Bowel Problems

Skin becomes dry, scaly, cold and pale with hypothyroidism. The skin also has a widespread itching, with a delay in wound healing. Nails are slow growing, have rigids and are brittle or easy to break.

Hyperthyroidism can cause skin to become flushed, with smooth, warm and moist skin. Pretibial myxedema or thyroid dermopathy, is a condition that occurs between knees and ankles, although it can occur anywhere, in which raised bumps and thickening of the skin occurs.

Clubbing nails and separation of the nails from the nail bed can occur with hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism causes diarrhea where as hypothyroidism causes constipation.


Changes in mood include depression, anxiety, mood swings, irrational anger, crying, and irritably. These mood changes can occur with either hypo or hyperthyroidism and cannot be the only deciding factor for thyroid disease.


Each of the symptoms above plus many others can be evidence of a thyroid disorder. These symptoms are broad and that is why blood tests for thyroid disease must be considered as well as the signs and symptoms.

With proper medication management between a qualified practitioner and the patient can optimum results happen and many of the symptoms will either resolve or lessen dramatically, however, it will take time because it is a gradual process

Jennifer W Matthews
