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The Lasting Benefits of Travel

Travel can leave a lasting impression on you, especially if you decide to stay in a country for more than a few weeks. This is because you are absorbed into the local culture, and the sites are more than just tourist attractions to you they are a part of the landscape. For example, let’s say you decide to study abroad in Italy for a year through your university back home. You might end up living, sleeping, eating and studying for nine months in tourist destinations such as Florence, Rome, Venice or Verona.

How Can Travel Leave a Lasting Impression on You?

You will be spending more time in that city than most tourists get a chance to, therefore you will experience much more. Witnessing the countless festivals, parades, the traditional celebration of holidays like Christmas and Easter, and people living their daily lives is going to have a lasting impression on you. There is nothing that can really prepare you for these simple, everyday and special occasions you will witness while abroad until you go there yourself and these memories become yours.

How Travel Can Have a Lasting Impact on You

The knowledge gained from traveling sticks with you long after and soon you will start sharing the traditions, recipes, and little stories of your experiences. Learning the Italian language might get you thinking about expanding your career plans to include an international component and modifying your education accordingly. Travel often reveals unexpected networking opportunities through random encounters with the people you meet. You may strike up a conversation with someone that leads to a rewarding study or job offer, changing your career trajectory with numerous benefits

A Lifetime of an Opportunity

Therefore, when you decide to travel, whether it is to study abroad in Italy, study at one of the universities in Italy, go on vacation in another country for a short amount of time, work abroad, or even live abroad, the experience is going to have a lasting impact and impression on your life. The experiences you will have while you are living abroad will become your own unique experiences that you will be able to share with the world, and might even teach you skills, new knowledge and even contacts that could help you enhance your career and your education! You may choose to return to your host country later in your life or grow your international capabilities in a different location. Either way, the lasting benefits of travel will change your life for the better, permanently.

M. Patrick Quinn
