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Home and Travel First Aid Kit Basics

We cannot foresee how and when we suffer with unfortunate accidents and fatal injuries. However we can alleviate the intensity of such ailments and injuries that happen at home, office or travel by using well-stocked emergency first aid kits. Stocking a good set of medical kit at home or keeping it while packing bag for travel helps you reduce the risk of infection or lessen the severity of the injury.

Stock first aid kits to lighten the impact of malignant injuries

It is sensible to keep a fist aid kit always at home to treat cuts, scrapes, burns, stings, splinters, sprains and strains that are common while doing any household task. Since, these injuries and emergency situations happen indiscriminately and surprisingly, it is always better to be prepared with easy-to-use and well-stocked first aid kits.

By using various items in the emergency kit, the basic and critical medical attention can be provided to the injured. Hence, stocking a home first aid medical kit is ideally a good idea to respond and act immediately in emergency situations and thus to lessen the collateral damage.

It also serve you better in case of unfortunate accidents and related ailments while travelling. You should not forget by any chance to pack these kits when heading off for a trekking or gearing towards a pleasure trip. You would never know the situations exist in the destination and cannot figure out, in advance, what type of injury you may suffer and how.

Emergency first aid kits for travel should be designed keeping in mind the destination, length of trip and type of the intended activities. Since, remote locations and hill areas lack first rate local health services and drugstores that stock emergency items, it is always better to design the kit more comprehensively to include additional items. In addition to personal medical items, the kit should contain pills for viral respiratory infections like fever, nasal congestion, cough, sour throat etc.

Some of the must keep items in the home and travel first aid materials are:
*Disposable latex-free exam gloves
*Wraps and bandages of multiple sizes
*Adhesive tape
*Cotton swabs
*Antifungal and antibacterial spray or creams
*1% hydrocortisone cream
*Anti-itch gel or cream for insect bites and stings
*Aloe gel for sunburns
*Moleskin or molefoam for blister prevention and treatment
*Saline eye drops
*Saline nose drops or spray
*Digital thermometer
*Pain relievers
*List of emergency phone number
*Antiseptic Wipes
Include these items in your emergency first aid kits depending on your personal preferences and requirements. Today’s men know the significance of emergency first aid kits to nullify the effects of fatal injuries and ailments. This is precisely why there has been a mushroom growth of companies that supply first aid kits in a multitude of sizes, styles and purposes. Customers can select the most appropriate one from the broad categories like professional EMT major trauma kits, waterproof harsh environment/disaster kits, fanny packs, soft-sided bags and even a kit specifically for stopping severe bleeding.
chris westwood
