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Basic Hunting Tips for Beginners

For those interested in the highly challenging yet rewarding world of hunting, there are many things to research and learn. However, many potential hunters are somewhat put off when they realize how much they need to educate themselves about, and may feel a little intimidated trying to get to grips with the important basics hunters need to keep in mind on a day-to-day basis. After all, it is always essential to consider what you need to do so you stay the hunter and do not become the hunted instead.

“Hunting and racing are a lot alike. Holding that steering wheel and holding that rifle both mean you better be responsible.” – Dale Earnhardt

If you have become engrossed with the idea of hunting, here are some fundamental hunting tips and techniques that all huntsmen utilize in the field to make it through the hunting season alive.

Respect your guns and your ammunition. This is one of the most vital things to remember. Guns can kill, so do not become another victim of an injury due to a lax attitude towards firearms. Respect the power of every gun you come into contact with. It is not foolish to think of every gun as a loaded weapon with the potential to kill. Every time a firearm comes into your peripheral vision, every time you pick up or aim a gun, always take for granted that it is loaded. Always point your gun barrel down when you are walking and make certain that the safety is on.

Take the utmost care of your firearms. Store and transport your guns separate from the ammunition. When you are not hunting, keep everything safely under lock and key. If you enjoy hunting with a bow instead of a firearm, it is preferable to store it in a cool, dry, secure location. Be aware of how your particular weapon operates before using it, so you are confident with its features. Additionally, before each hunting season begins, if you have purchased new equipment you are unfamiliar with, check that you know how to work it properly.

Always be ready. When hunting for the first time, be constantly conscious of your surroundings. It is not recommended to go hunting alone in case of possible accidents or injuries; instead, hunt with a more experienced friend. If you do choose to go alone, tell someone where you are going and state a time when you will return. Do not bring very small children hunting with you, this can be dangerous and irresponsible. Furthermore, never drink before or during a hunt, or engage in reckless, destructive or distracting behavior in the wild.

Remember that other hunters may be nearby. High-powered ammunition can travel long distances. You should always look beyond your target before shooting so you are mindful of where your bullets will go. Be aware of the wind direction, and that your target is an animal and not a human being before you shoot. A good general rule of thumb is to never aim or shoot at a noise or movement. Also bear in mind that adrenaline can overtake your emotional behavior during a hunt and may spoil your chances of bagging your intended target. As the famous adage usefully advises, “keep slow and keep low.”

Once you have bagged a critter, make sure that it is dead. Never go near an animal you have shot without verifying that it cannot suddenly attack you. Confirm that any animals you have shot are definitely dead before you place them in your vehicle before you taking your trophy home.

Finally, remember to enjoy your experience and have fun!

“One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted.” – Jose Ortega y Gasset

DL Little
