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What Exactly Is Multiple Sclerosis?

  • Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disorder that affects around 2.5 million people worldwide. In this disorder, the body’s own immune system acts against the central nervous system – the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Such a condition is referred to as an autoimmune disease. Normally, the immune system defends our body from the attack of foreign elements. The cells concerned with immunity target and destroy the foreign bodies like bacteria and other pathogens. But in MS, the immune system mistakes myelin (a fatty coat that protects the nerve fibers) for a foreign substance and destroys it. That is why Multiple Sclerosis is also called a demyelinating disorder.

Why does the body offend the myelin coat?

It is still not clear why the immune system attacks the myelin substance that is native to the human body. Scientists suggest environmental and genetic factors for this behavior of the immune system. Some researchers also consider that certain viruses can cause this disease. However, there is no strong scientific background for this hypothesis.

  • Multiple Sclerosis has no specific pattern of presentation

The disease presents with different symptoms in different patients. There is no definite order in which the symptoms appear. In some patients, the symptoms are mild and go unnoticed during the early stages while in others, disturbing symptoms occur earlier and may last for some time. Though the disease can affect people of all ages, the initial symptoms usually show up between 20 and 40 years of age.

The symptoms depend upon the part of the nervous system affected. The symptoms commonly include visual disturbances, tingling sensations, numbness, bladder and bowel disturbances, dizziness, fatigue, loss of balance, cognitive disturbances, emotional changes, muscle cramps and sexual dysfunction.

Another peculiarity of MS is that it is not possible to predict the disease progression. Some people may show up a symptom that persists for a while and then subsides. They may not have any other symptom for years. While in others, there may be a rapid progression of the disease so that they may show up with many symptoms within a limited period.

  • Multiple Sclerosis is difficult to diagnose

There is no specific laboratory test to confirm the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. The symptoms of MS are not specific for this disease. Furthermore, it is very difficult to establish this diagnosis after a single episode of symptomatic attack. The other possible causes of these symptoms need to be ruled out before arriving into the diagnosis of MS. There are various criteria on which the disease can be confirmed. A careful neurological examination is a fundamental requirement for an accurate diagnosis of MS.

It is also necessary that the damage caused to the central nervous system is confirmed by additional methods like imaging techniques, CSF analysis and other specific neurological studies. MRI is the best imaging technique to confirm that the damage has occurred. Another advantage of MRI is that it can pinpoint the site of damage. This when corresponds to the neurological symptom present in the patient, the diagnosis is confirmed.

  • Multiple Sclerosis has no curative treatment at present

The available treatment options focus on reducing the frequency and severity of symptoms and slowing the disease progression. Medicines for symptom-management, disease modifying drugs, alternative therapies and diet and lifestyle changes are all aimed at improving the ‘quality of life’ of the suffering patients. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for the disease at the moment.

Shajitha Parveen
