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Various Styles of Cheesecake

Cheese cake is the type of dessert which comprises soft and fresh cheese on the top of the cake. The base of the cake is made from sponge, biscuits, or pastry. The topping is decorated with nuts, fruits, chocolate, or a drizzle of the fruit flavor. Instead, it can also be topped with sweetened sugar.

Basically, there are two types of the cheesecake, baked and unbaked cake. However, the style of this cheesecake is different from one region to another. You will find different styles of the cheesecake in different country.

United States

This country has some various recipes. It relies on the region and the cultural background of the person who bake it.

New York: this region has a heavy cream. The cheesecake is commonly made from eggs, eggs yolk, and cream cheese. It has a rich and smooth consistency. There are also some recipes which use lemon and cottage cheese as well as strawberry sauce and also chocolate drizzle.

Pennsylvania Dutch: the style of the cake in this region comprises a little tangy type of cheese which comes with less water and larger curds. It is also called as the cheese of the farmer and pot.

Philadelphia: it has a lighter texture with richer flavor than the style of New York.

it uses traditional baking to keep the fresh cheese. Generally, it is baked with fresh fruit.

British, Australia, and New Zealand

In these three regions, the base of the cheesecake is made from butter and crushed biscuits. The top is made from fruit compote. The filling is made from the mixture of cream, sugar, and cream cheese. To keep the filling firm, gelatin is sometimes added.


The style of the cheesecake in this region uses cream cheese like New York. The top is made from Smetana. Generally, the crust mixture is added by ground nuts.


The cheesecake in this region is made from mascarpone cheese or ricotta, vanilla extract, sugar, and also barley flake. Meanwhile, the roman style of the cake is made from ricotta with flour, and honey.

Jacob G Sebastian
