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Tennis Lessons – How to Perform a Two-Handed Backhand

While the two-handed backhand is easy to learn at first, it requires a lot of repetition and practice in order to be perfected. Be an expert just like the aforementioned players by following these tips on how to perform a two-handed backhand:

Ready Your Grip

The continental grip is recommended for the dominant hands, while the Eastern forehand grip is best for the non-dominant hand.

Mind Your Step

While waiting for the ball to arrive, do a split step and execute your unit turn. This will make your shoulders and the racquet turn together. Step out the leg near the ball for a little as you make the turn. Pivot in such a way that you can see over your shoulder as the ball heads towards you.

Be Prepared

Prepare to hit the ball by placing the weight on your back foot; be ready to transfer said weight to your front foot.

Place the racquet above the ball level (10 or 2 o’clock, whichever you prefer). Keep your shoulders leveled and your knees slightly bent.

Relax your hand and let the racquet head go below the ball height. As you do so, transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot, and take the shot. Uncoil your shoulders as you make contact with the ball.

Stay with the Shot

After hitting the ball, you need to maintain your forward momentum. Keep your arms extended toward the ball, making sure that your stroke has length.

As for the follow-through, your elbows should finish way up high. This will help your non-dominant hand pull your rear through the finish, so that you will end up facing the net. By this time, you will be looking over your non-dominant shoulder, in contrast to your starting point (looking over your dominant shoulder).

Finally, plant your outside foot and push off it. This will help you recover with a shuffle or crossover step, but it will depend on your court location and the trajectory of your adversary’s shot.

More Tips:

*Avoid strangling your racquet as you take the shot. Keep the motion fluid so you can generate the speed that will create the ball’s power and spin.

*Remember to keep the butt cap of your racquet aimed towards the incoming ball.

*Professional players have different kinds of arm positions at ball contact. If you are a club player, it is best if you keep both elbows slightly bent. This will help you derive energy from your legs, arms and shoulders – forces that can help you hit the ball accurately.

*Avoid pulling off from your shot too soon! This will waste your energy. As such, you will end up making a weaker, less-accurate shot.With its ease, stability, readiness and power, the two-handed backhand remains a popular choice for many players. Drive the ball deep and outlast your opponents by following these tips when delivering the perfect two-handed backhand.

Mubashir Shafi Khan
