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Taekwondo Class For Kids: A great Self-defense technique

Self-defense becomes a necessity in unfavorable situation. So, to avoid a potential attack, it becomes essential to trust your instincts and if these are combined with previous taekwondo training then the situation is more likely to be in your favor.

Taekwondo: At a glance

Taekwondo is the most systematic and scientific Korean martial art which combines combat and self-defense techniques with sports and exercise. It is similar to karate with an emphasis on kicking techniques. This particular discipline trains our body and mind to enhance our spirit and life. Although it refers to one word in Korean but English spelling of taekwondo is composed of three parts:

1- Tae- foot, leg or to step on

2- Kwon- fist or fight

3- Do- way or discipline

If we combine all these three parts together, we get two important concepts behind Tae Kwon Do. First, it involves the right usage of fist (tae) and feet (Kwon) and second, it acts as a tool to control or calm down fights and maintain peace.

Benefits of Taekwondo for kids:

Enhance physical strength and balance: One of the essential benefits of taekwondo is enhancing a Kid’s strength and balance as it involves kicking. The practitioner learns to balance their weight on one leg to leave the other one free to strike. Moreover, the regular practice makes the arms and leg’s muscles stronger.

Improve concentration: On one hand the patterns of taekwondo require concentration and attention and on the other hand sparring requires focus on both self and the opponent. Thus, it teaches both concentration and self-defense. Additionally, it teaches breathing and meditation techniques that helps in learning focus.

Boost self-confidence: Teacher-student relationship during taekwondo classes makes students more respectful toward their instructor. Students are also expected to show respect to their opponents before and after a sparring match. Therefore, in due course of time you will observe certain degree of general politeness in kids.

Lower aggression: As per the report in “psychology in the schools” in 2008 the martial arts participation has reduced aggression in boys.

To sum up, taekwondo class for kids becomes essential for their advancement in life. Taekwondo not only teaches the technique of self-defense but also trains kid’s mind and body to lead a disciplined life.

John Marry
