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Strengthen Your Immune System Without Vaccination

Vaccines have been a topic of debates for quite some time now. The proponents claim we owe it to the vaccines for not catching polio, TB, whooping cough and other nasty diseases. Opponents say we owe it to the vaccines for suffering insomnia, poor digestion and irregular appetite, autism, and weakened immune defense. Vaccines don’t guarantee 100% that you won’t get sick from the very thing you are vaccinated against. And a lot of the diseases that we commonly vaccinate for had long been near-eradicated before the vaccines appeared. So, to vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

One of the biggest problems with vaccines is that they introduce a lot more into your body than just the dead/weakened pathogen. Consider this: all vaccines have one or more of the following ingredients: mercury, aluminum, MSG, DNA/RNA from animal proteins, antibiotics, preservatives, etc. These ingredients, even in small amounts, are not harmless. Once in the body, they can stimulate the microglia (microglia are the immune cells of the brain and the spinal cord). As a result, the microglia can start to malfunction and affect appetite, sleep, learning, and many other processes related to the nervous system.

One other problem with vaccines is that they create an inflammatory response in the body. Thus, if given to pregnant women, they can be particularly dangerous. The mother’s body is anti-inflammatory during pregnancy (that ensures the baby is not rejected). When vaccinated, the mother’s body becomes pro-inflammatory. This not only increases the risk of rejecting the foetus, it also increases the inflammation levels in the babies themselves. As a result, babies whose mum’s were vaccinated during pregnancy demonstrate a much higher rate of neurological diseases later on (autism being one of them).

OK, you say, even if mums avoid vaccines during pregnancy, how can babies avoid them after birth and still be protected against polio, measles and whooping cough? Every mother has to make that decision about her child herself! If in doubt, I suggest you read up on the topic, do your own research and make up your own mind. One thing worth noting is that breast feeding is the best way to strengthen your child’s immunity. Human milk (unless contaminated through alcohol, drugs, and stress) already contains everything needed in order for our immune system to develop properly. One other thing worth mentioning is that babies who develop whooping cough can be treated extremely successfully with high doses of lypo-spheric vitamin C and nothing else. Dr Susan Humphries is an MD well known for her success in treating whooping cough in babies with vitamin C. She is also a co-author of “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History” – a very interesting book if you would like to know more about vaccination.

Although I don’t want to go as far as telling you not to vaccinate your child, I would definitely advise you to not vaccinate yourself. Especially if you are thinking of the flu shot – think twice! A simple influenza vaccine actually makes you 5-6 times more pro-viral. It may protect you from influenza, but it just made you 5-6 times more susceptible to other viruses. So if you didn’t have the shot you may or may not get influenza. But if you had the shot, you just became 5-6 time more likely to catch other viruses. Note that antibiotics (though they are not of our concern here), make you pro-fungal and pro-viral in a similar way.

So, what can you to strengthen your immune system (instead of having a vaccine)? Essentially, there are two things you can do. Good nutrition is the first one. Your gut accounts for more that 70% of the functioning of the immune system. So what goes in your mouth is constantly influencing your health. Eat plenty of antioxidant-rich foods; cut out coffee, chocolate, alcohol and sugar (they are all pro-inflammatory); sip on hot water (to help detoxification); eat warm and easy-to-digest food. Those simple changes will make your immune system very happy and healthy.

The other thing you can do to strengthen you immunity is BodyTalk. Firstly, there is a special place in the BodyTalk protocol to help reverse the damage done by previous vaccination. If your immune system has already been compromised due to vaccines from the past, BodyTalk can help with that. And if your immune system needs a boost because you are about to go Thailand, we can help with that too.

Above all, BodyTalk can help lower your stress levels, which is the number 1 trigger for catching nasty diseases. Stress is highly pro-inflammatory. With the stress gone, your body becomes anti-inflammatory, thus it is no longer a good host of pathogens. Viruses and bacteria don’t thrive in anti-inflammatory conditions. Therefore, instead of taking a vaccine (which makes you pro-inflammatory), do BodyTalk or take up meditation (or better yet – do both!). Do whatever you can to calm down and turn off the stress. In turn, your immune system will thank you by staying strong and keeping you healthy.

Vyara Bridgeman
