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Pain in the Feet: Recognising the Causes

Pain in the foot, toe and heel area is a very common problem for many people and there are a number of possible causes. If the pain is persistent or severe it is important to seek medical advice from a doctor or podiatrist once you have determined it is not caused by wearing inappropriate footwear.

Buying shoes online, from any reputable company, who takes time to check measurements and width fittings is really important, particularly if they offer a range of shoes for men and women that can help by supplying footwear that reduces discomfort from underlying foot or health conditions.

The most common causes of pain in the foot come under the following categories:

• Sprains or strains

• Gout

• Bunions

• Arthritis

• Tendonitis

• Verruca’s

• In growing toenails

• Platar fasciitus

Less common problems are

• Metatarsalgia

• Rheumatoid arthritis

Sprains and strains, caused through unaccustomed activity such as running, occur when the muscles or ligaments are pulled or strained. This will show up as swelling around the affected area and pain. One of the most commons strains is often presented by footballers who play on artificial turf or ballet dancers, where the ligaments at the base of the big toe becomes damaged. Gout on the other hand is caused by uric acid crystals that form in the joints of the toe causing severe pain and swelling even when the foot is not being used.

If you have a bony swelling at the base of the big toe that is painful and difficult to walk on, then this could be a bunion which more often than not, appears in women. Moving on to pain around the toenails, if they become red, swollen and very painful, this could be the result of an ingrowing toenail piercing the skin leaving it very tender.

Pain that occurs under the foot could be the result of several underlying health conditions. If there are small white spots with a dark patch in the middle it could be a verruca. As the weight of your body presses down on the foot this causes this wart to grow back into the body so walking becomes painful. Damage to the tough band of tissue that runs under the foot due to wear and tear, or from activities such as jogging without wearing the appropriate footwear, is known as platar fasciitus. Spending time buying the appropriate sports or running shoes is really important and a good online retailer of shoes will be able to assist in choosing the correct one.

Moving onto pain and stiffness in the heel, this could be caused by injury to the Achilles’ tendon and is known as tendonitis. Repeated painful episodes in the foot particularly in older people may be the onset of arthritis. A less common form of arthritis that can affect the foot, as well as other areas is rheumatoid arthritis. Or if experiencing a burning pain on the ball of the foot which worsens during movement, this might be a lesser known condition called metatarsalgia and a doctor will be able to prescribe the correct treatment for this and all the conditions mentioned.

Looking after your feet by buying and wearing the proper shoes whether it is for work or sports or dancing the night away, is crucial for your health and well-being, and will keep you on your toes for a good many years to come.

Penny Coleman
