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How To Plan an Affordable Christmas Holiday?

Celebrating Christmas does not mean that you have to run into a debt. Given below are few tips which will help you to celebrate the festival without breaking your bank.

Choose A Nearby Destination

Christmas is one occasion when people love to travel. Tourists from all over the world visit some place or other. Hotels are jam-packed and getting accommodation is a tough task. However, it is not necessary that you need to travel abroad to celebrate Christmas. Choose a destination close to your home. Choosing a nearby destination will help you bring down your travel expenses. There are several weekend destinations which give you the ambience to celebrate the festival with great pomp and show. Find out about such destinations and book your room in advance.

Set A Budget For Shopping

Christmas shopping can be an expensive affair if you don’t set a budget. Once you figure out your budget, shop accordingly come what may. Create a list of people for whom you intend to purchase gifts and stick to your list. Prioritize your gifts and avoid impulse buying. Going for homemade gifts will also help you save your hard-earned money. While shopping, compare prices of items you are willing to purchase. Setting a budget for Christmas will help you enjoy an affordable Christmas vacation

Avoid Last Minute Shopping

Many of us make the mistake of going for last-minute shopping during Christmas. This not only leads to chaos but also pinches the pocket hard. In order to enjoy Christmas on a budget, it is smart to avoid last-minute shopping. Before you start shopping, follow your favorite retailers on social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Many of them offer discounts to their FB friends and Twitter followers.

Cut Down On Food Costs

One of the top ways to enjoy a cheap Christmas vacation is to cut down on your food bills. Plan your menu carefully and if possible, purchase non-perishable items. Additionally, look for discounts and coupons given by restaurants during the festival. Availing such coupons can cut down your food bill enormously. If possible, try to cook yourself and involve the whole family in the cooking activity which will not only help you save some bucks but also a great Christmas Fun and bonding activity for the family.

Plan Your Trip In Advance

Most people plan their Christmas trip, when the festival is almost knocking at their doors. Christmas is high-time for travelers. So, it’s a cool idea to plan your Christmas trip in advance. Sit down with people whom you intend to take with you and finalize your destination. Once your destination is fixed, check out online hotel reservation websites for accommodation. Most of these websites offer customized accommodation and you can save a lot by customizing your Christmas trip. Compare hotel rates and also read reviews before selecting your hotel. Choose hotels that provide you a complimentary breakfast option along with free wifi internet which not only cuts down on your food bill but also helps you to stay in touch with your friends and family who are not with you on your trip. It also helps in reducing your phone bills on sms which you would send anyways to greet your friends on Christmas and New Year.
A Christmas holiday should not be a financial burden on you. Be open to new things and try to be flexible during your vacations. Don’t hesitate to experiment which will help you save money. The occasion calls for merriment and following the aforementioned tips will help you celebrate an affordable Christmas vacation.

Ritesh Bhuwania
