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Home Remedies for Indigestion, Indigestion Natural Cures

A clear understanding of the digestive processes that go on in the human body is vital to the understanding of the disorders from which digestion suffers. The major disorder is week digestion, dyspepsia or slackness of digestive processes, which are known, in indigenous medicine as being caused by what is called mandagni.

The real problem is that you have poor digestion (sometimes due to too little stomach acid) usually because of too little digestive enzymes. The food sits in your belly for an hour and then any acid that is in your stomach will reflux up your throat and cause pain. So the antacids drugs simply let the food sit in your belly and don’t allow acid to even try to digest your food!

Mint helps, especially if you’re having cramps, nausea or diarrhea. Mint infusion: 15g dry mint, 2 mugs of water. You get the same effect if you drink a glass of water in which you put a few mint essence drops, every 3-4 hours

Slippery Elm. This herb was used by early folk healers as a digestive tonic and for treatment of acid indigestion and dysentery. The relief it brings to acid indigestion derives from its healing action on the mucous membranes. Herbalists believe it soothes inflamed tissues and draws toxins and other irritants from body tissues.

Drink the whole glass of water, and follow it with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and half a glass of water. Be careful though, if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant, this can cause water retention or increase your blood pressure

Common home remedies for indigestion are peppermint and ginger. These are also popular in treating other digestion problems. Apple and tea are also used, as are Epsom salts. Another effective way to relieve indigestion is drinking the juice of a raw potato or an egg white. Cloves are also considered treatment for indigestion. Other herbs that help relieve the discomfort that comes with indigestion are meadowsweet and lavender. In traditional medicine, the use of feverfew, fennel and dill as cures for indigestion is common, as well as thyme and speedwell.

Over the counter heart burn remedies include antacid products like Tums or Rolaids. There are other products that will relieve gas and bloating. Calcium carbonate is usually effective for neutralizing the stomach acid, but may leave a chalky taste in the mouth. Products that contain mint oil or peppermint may be a little harder to find, but will leave a pleasant taste in the mouth. Heart burn home remedies containing fennel and other herbs have been used by Native Americans and Europeans alike to relieve the symptoms of indigestion.

Herbal remedies for acid reflux include chamomile, meadowsweet, slippery elm, cancer bush, fennel, catnip, angelica root, gentian root, ginger root and other botanicals, including aloe. Slippery elm was used historically by native peoples to treat stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and other digestive complaints. Fennel and gingerroot were also common “folk remedies” for the relief of indigestion.

John Adison
