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For Fresher Breath, Opt for Home-Made Remedies

Bad breath has been a cause of concern for centuries now. In fact, the ancient Greeks would opt for certain home remedies to get rid of bad mouth odor. These remedies would include rinsing their mouth with white wine, myrrh as well as anise seed. The Italians would make a mouthwash which consisted of cinnamon, roots of cypress, juniper seeds and rosemary leaves. These home remedies were quite successful in combating the problem of bad breath.

Nowadays, when people around the world feel that they might be emitting a bad mouth odor they automatically run for the mouth wash which is now a regular in most people’s bathroom shelf. However, researchers on the subject believe that the ancient home-made remedies worked better to cure bad breath.

Listed below are some natural and home remedies that you can adopt to cure yourself from bad mouth odor (if you suffer from it):

You could always spice things up and use the herbs and spices that are readily available in your kitchen to take care of bad breath problems. You could carry a small bag of anise seeds, fennel or even clove with you to work and consume if after a meal.

When brushing their teeth, most people do not bother brushing their tongue as well. The tongue harbors some tiny hair particles that look like mushrooms and can therefore shelter plaque after a meal. So the next time you brush your teeth make sure you gently swipe your tongue to keep your breath smelling fresh.

In order to fight bad breath, you could always create your own version of a mouth wash. You will need to mix together extracts of calendula, sage and myrrh gum equally and then gargle with the mixture for a minimum of four times in a day. Make sure that you store this mixture in a tight jar to ensure that it lasts longer.

Parsley may be good for your health, but it can also be quite effective when used to combat bad breath. The herb contains chlorophyll, which acts as a natural breath deodorizer. Therefore, make it a point to chew on some parsley everyday or grind them and have it as a juice.

Even a mint and some gum can act as a natural remedy to combat bad breath. Although you cannot make gum at home, you always have the option of buying them and storing them for use later on.

Michael K Myers
