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Egypt – The Land of Wonders, the Pyramids

The Egyptian pyramids are ancient pyramid-shaped stonework structures situated in Egypt.

As of 2009, there are a total of 138 pyramids discovered in Egypt. Most were constructed as graves for the country’s Pharaohs and their spouses during the Old and Middle ages of ancient Egypt.

The first known Egyptian pyramids are discovered at a place called Saqqara, which lies northwest of Memphis. The first among these is the Djoser Pyramid, which was constructed during the third empire. This pyramid and its adjacent compounds were designed by the designer named Imhotep, and are usually considered to be the world’s oldest colossal structures built of dressed stonework. The estimation of the number of workers to construct the pyramids varies from a few thousand, twenty five thousand, and up to 200,000.

The most well-known Egyptian pyramids are found at Giza, on the borders of the capital city of Cairo. Numerous of the Giza pyramids are considered among the largest constructions ever built. At Giza, the Pyramid of Khufu is the biggest Egyptian pyramid. This is the only existing wonder of the ancient world.

• Number of Pyramids and their Locations

In the year 1842, Karl Richard Lepsius revealed the first up-to-date list of pyramids, in which he totaled 67. Since then a total of 118 pyramids has been discovered. Here is a list of some of the famous pyramids in Egypt:: Giza, Abu Rawash, Zawyet el-Aryan, Saqqara, Abu Sir, Mazghuna, Dahshur, Lisht, Hawara, Meidum, El-Kurru, el-Lahun and Nuri

I will try and give some detailed information on some of the famous pyramids in Egypt

a) Giza– Giza is the site of the Pyramid of Khufu; the fairly smaller Pyramid of Khafre the comparatively modest sized Pyramid of Menkaure alongside with a total of smaller groups, which are known as “Queen’s pyramids”; Great Sphinx, one of the wonders of ancient engineering is located right next to it.

Of the three pyramids, only Khafre’s pyramid holds part of its unique, elegant limestone casing, near its peak. This pyramid seems to be bigger than the nearby Khufu pyramid by due to its higher location, and the sharper angle of predisposition of its structure, as a matter of fact, it is smaller in both volume and height.

b) Zawyet el-Aryan – This site lies in the middle of Giza and Abu Sir. It is the site for two unfinished old aged pyramids. The northern building’s possessor is believed to be Pharaoh Nebka, whereas the southern structure, which is known as the Layer Pyramid, may be dedicated to the Pharaoh of the third dynasty Khaba, who was a close heir of Sekhemkhet.

c) Lisht – Two main pyramids are known to have been constructed at Lisht, these belong to Senusret I and his father Amenemhat I. The former is enclosed by the skeletons of ten smaller pyramids of lesser importance.

Afreen Khan
