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Does The Body Have An Anxiety Defense Mechanism?

Provided you are a human being, there are tensions or rather conflicts that are bound to occur either from within you or from an outside aggression. Such conflicts are also known as intrapsychic conflicts. They are as a result of our sexual aggression’s which send out tension impulses to other parts of the body. The major advantage and relief that comes from such conflicts is that they do not generally last for a long time. However, this is not always the case; there are instances that the tension can last for a long time. This is what is dangerous and not good for our health. Most people underestimate the harm that anxiety can cause.

In most instances, anxiety is the number one cause of wear and tear in our bodies. This is what explains the feeling that sometimes, you feel very tired or you have some unpleasant feeling that you cannot explain. This does not imply that the body has no mechanism of dealing with this kind of condition. In fact, if it were not for the body’s defense mechanism, some of us could be suffering for a long time. Wondering what are some of this mechanisms? Here are just but a few.


Rationalization is the most common way that the body responds to anxiety. Most of us have this mechanism or have had the experiences at least once in a lifetime. Generally, you find yourself creating an excuse to justify something wrong that you may have done. For instance, when you find yourself taking someone else property or stealing, you may end up taking refuge in saying that he had more or he or she was simply too rich to notice or feel it.

Shifting Emotional Feelings

When you are stressed out and frustrated and you take out the feeling on someone or on another object then this commonly referred to as displacement psychology. It is not only observed in humans, animals also have the same character. For instance, if a dog bites you, you can kick the dog. Instead of keeping the problem to itself, the dog can bite a cat or anything within vicinity is a way of dealing with the anger. If you are a student, you may find yourself biting or even breaking a pen due to the same.

Shifting Blames

This is commonly referred to as projection. It is rare but it happens. One person attributes his cruel motives or feelings on someone else saying that they are the way they are simply because someone else did something to them. It is common in artists who always think everyone is trying to con them.

Identifying With a Group

This is commonly seen in people who are rather insecure. When you find yourself teaming with a group of individuals you assume to be having the same feeling as you do. It is a good way of boosting your self-esteem after you have had some personal troubles that you could not deal with. Thus, if you find yourself joining some new group after some troubles or tension, this is a reactive mechanism in which the body is trying to deal with anxiety.

Meka Venkata
