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Discover the Hidden Power of Nuts

Nuts are basically seeds with a hard shell. Since Americans consume much less than the daily recommended 28 grams of fiber per 2000 calories. Nuts are a good tasting source of fiber that can you help meet this goal. For example, a serving of pistachio nuts, almonds, or hazelnuts provide you with about 3 grams of dietary fiber.

These nuts offer more dietary fiber than the amount found in a plum, in a medium tomato, or in a serving of grapes. The fiber found in a serving of nuts is about the same amount as in a serving of oatmeal. They are good to snack on because the fiber found in nuts helps you feel full quickly. A bonus, if you are trying to lose or maintain your current weight.

Nuts are rich in energy and are nutrient loaded. They are an excellent source of Monounsaturated-Fatty Acids (MUFAs), which help to lower LDL or “bad cholesterol” and increase HDL or “good cholesterol.” Many researchers suggest a diet that is rich in MUFAs to prevent coronary artery disease, strokes because it favors a healthier blood lipid profile. They (nuts) are also a rich source of all important omega-3 essential fatty acids. Although not definite recent evidence suggests that omega -3 fatty acids can lower the risk of high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, strokes and breast, colon and prostate cancers. Nuts, seeds, and their butters are also good tasting sources of many vital nutrients, including protein, zinc, fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, copper, and potassium. Nuts have it all.

Many people avoid nuts, seeds, and their butters because of concerns that they are too high in fat and calories, or for concerns about nut allergies. A tablespoon (half ounce) of nut or seed butter has about 80-100 calories. Nut and seed butters have 7 to 10 grams of fat in a tablespoon, but most of this is unsaturated fat( the good fat). Nuts, seeds, and their butters are also good sources of many nutrients, including protein, zinc, fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, copper, and potassium. “The best defense is a good offense” is an adage that has been applied to numerous endeavors. Apply this practice to nut allergies also. It is always important for you to know what you are eating. If you are allergic to nuts, then reading the food labels is your best way to stay safe. Read the label carefully to know if it says “Contains: Nuts” or “Contains: Peanuts” on the ingredients list. Before you indulge look for word clues such as artificial nuts, nuts of any sort including coconut, or nut butters ingredients.

Finally, nuts are one the Creator’s many gifts to us. Nuts are so friendly you can carry them along with you wherever you go. There is no need for special containers to carry them in. A pocket, purse, or snack bag is all you need. Nuts have long a shelf life, and unlike fruits and vegetables, they are not easily perishable, and they require no refrigeration. Also there is no need to worry about preparation or reheating. In fact, nuts hardly need a kitchen. Almost all of the varieties of nuts we eat and enjoy come in safe envelopes (shells). There is nothing to worry too much about contamination or handling issues. Just clean your hands and grab the healthy-looking nuts of your choice and enjoy.

Frederick Garnes

