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Childhood Obesity – Dealing With An Overweight Child

There was a time when children longed to be outside, under the sun, running and jumping around out of control. Exercise and good, home cooked food kept them healthy and in shape. Times have changed kids do their exercise on the computer or video games and eat junk food while they play. The fact that many parents have to work late and only come home to sleep does not help either, frozen food, fast food, sodas preservatives and chemicals are killing our young generations. It is our duty as parents to hold the tidal wave back and regain the ground lost to child diabetes and other disease caused by sedentary living and terrible eating habits.

The new generations have changed the real world for the games they play and the shows they watch on television, they don’t even visit each other, they chat on the phone. They don’t go outside because the sun’s glare interferes with their mobile and pad screens, they can’t see them clearly so they stay inside. Once inside they sit on a couch exercising their fingers as they punch buttons expertly. One of the ways to stop this is to establish a schedule of activities at home. That means a time for gaming, a time for study and a time for rest. My father is an old, wise man and he has set a little basket besides the entrance door. If you want to visit with him, your phone stays in the basket until you leave. At first there were many complains but we are used to it now and enjoy each other’s company more.

It is a simple rule, no phones at the table and no electronics after a specific time. At first they will complain but with a little time and pushing they will accept it and learn to enjoy other things. Exercise is also important, if your child does not like sports take him out into the garden to help you with the weeds, to water the plants, to do anything but sit inside the house doing nothing. If you do not have a garden, take the time and bring him with you to the supermarket, walking through the aisles for half an hour will do marvels. The first step to help your child lose weight is to get him out of the house and off his electronics and television. The growth rate of child diabetes increases exponentially and once he is declared a diabetic he will be so forever.

Now comes the tricky part, food. Most parents have to work all day coming home tired and wanting only to get some rest so they can begin the rat race early the next day. Meals at night are not very elaborated when you have been working for eight hours and have had to drive another two or three to work. Planning and freezing a weekly menu during the previous weekend will help your child eat healthy food and get rid of some of the excess weight. Keep the plates low on carbohydrates and high on protein, this will help him build muscle tissue and get rid of the fat. Talk to the person in charge of the school cafeteria, ask for his or her help with your child’s lunch meal. Give him a small pack of nuts or a piece of fruit to eat if he gets hungry during recess. Help him change his eating habits or pretty soon diabetes will force him to do it.

During the weekend, when you are free, take him for a log walk in the park or to an amusement park. The key factor is to separate him from his pad and television and gradually show him that there are great things he can enjoy without his computer or television. Cook a nice healthy meal made with fresh produce accompanied by some lemonade instead of sodas. After you eat sit at the table and talk, share with your child the events of your week and listen to him talk about what he did. Most kids born in this generation do not know how to communicate through speech, they are computer wizards who speak with their fingers. Getting used to express themselves may take a while.

Be patient with the teaching process, it will not be immediate and it will be hard for your child. Other kids will probably laugh at him and make fun, talk to him, he is a product of technology, take the time to sit with him and look at websites that speak about child obesity and its consequences. Having an obese child is not your fault completely, it is part of cultural change and technological advances, but it is up to you to remedy the situation. Healthy food, exercise and a controlled use of pads, television and video games will do the trick. Now is the time to correct his obesity problem, tomorrow may be too late. Even if he eventually lost weight and exercised and ate healthy food he may have to take medication and check his glucose levels for life.

Cesar A Batres Mejia
