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Ballet Vs. Hip Hop Dance Lessons: Which Is Right For You?

Whether you’re looking for dance classes for yourself or for your child, one of the first decisions you need to make is choosing which type of class you’re interested in. There are a number of different options, including ballet, tap, modern and hip hop dance lessons. If you’re not sure about the difference between these types of lessons, take a few minutes to learn more.

About Ballet Classes

Ballet classes are some of the most traditional styles available. Very young children are typically taught ballet as a part of an introduction to dance, alongside tap and maybe even jazz. However, more advanced students can usually find a dedicated class.

Ballet students will learn traditional steps, including a plie, a tendu, a frappe and a releve. Pupils are also required to learn the positions, known as first position, second position, third position, fourth position and fifth position. Each of these positions represents a different foot positioning, and these are the basics of ballet.

Students will also be required to wear traditional clothing, including tights and leotards for girls, as well as special slippers. Beginning female students will have simple satin slippers, while more advanced students will require toe shoes. These toe shoes have a wooden block in the toe so that the dancer is able to elevate to his or her tiptoes. Male students usually need to wear a special pair of men’s tights (they’re thicker than the female version), a T-shirt and a pair of black shoes.

About Hip Hop Dance Lessons

Alternatively, hip hop dance lessons are a little less structured than ballet classes. However that doesn’t mean that they’re not just as educational! Students will learn contemporary hip hop moves in hip hop dance lessons, such as the step snap, the crisscross, the break it down and the toe drag. These lessons will also take advantage of more modern music.

Students attending hip hop dance lessons have a little more freedom in their apparel. It’s not uncommon for pupils to wear comfortable clothes that they can move around freely in, such as gym clothes. Footless tights, baggy sweatshirts or even tank tops are all acceptable in most cases and many people wear sneakers or athletic shoes on their feet. However you should ask before attending your first class to make sure that you’re dressed correctly.

How To Choose A Studio

Once you know what type of lesson that you want to take, you’ll need to choose a studio. Ask the owner what type of qualifications each teacher has and if any teachers specialize in a specific style. Realize though that many teachers are qualified to teach different types of classes, so don’t rule out a studio because of this. Also ask about the fees, including recital costs to ensure that you’re choosing the right place.

Dancing is an excellent way to stay fit, whether you’re a child or an adult. If you’re looking for a fun way to exercise, consider learning more about the different types of classes that are available in your city.

Chris A. Harmen
