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Are You A First Timer Planning Your Visit To Kuwait?

Kuwait is turning out to be a world tourist spot attracting tourists from different countries of the world. If you are planning to make your visit to this country for the first time, you can conveniently book furnished apartments vacation rental in Kuwait through the website of the service providers over the Internet. However, as this is going to be your first-time visit to the country, there are certain things to know, so that you can make your trip enjoyable and memorable for several years to come:

It is important that anyone planning to visit the country or even the Kuwait city, will have to follow some specific regulations with respect to entering and exiting. Of course, like many other countries, you should have either the visitor visa or the residence visa to enter this nation too. So, better arrange for the visa before actually starting your search for the furnished apartments in Kuwait.

If you take a visitor visa, you can stay in this nation for a period of 30 days. If you overstay beyond 30 days, you will have to pay a certain fine for each extended day of stay. The fine should be paid before you leave the nation. You can get this visa within two days of your application, if you rightly meet the requirements specified in the application. From the year 2004, people from 34 nations, inclusive of Australia, UK, US and many other Western European countries can get the visa as soon as they arrive at Kuwait. So, if you belong to any of the 34 nations, you need not worry about visa and can book your furnished apartments vacation rental in Kuwait to get a convenient stay upon arrival. When you get into this nation on a visitor visa, it is not essential that you should have some sort of employment. But, if you wish to work in this country, you will have to get a residency visa and a work permit.

If you are from a country with evidences of outbreak of diseases like cholera, it is compulsory that you should have the proof of getting vaccinated for the same to enter into Kuwait. This is done as a safety measure by the country to ensure that such type of disease do not spread in their nation. Nowadays, accommodation in this country has become easier with the companies providing the facility to book furnished apartments in Kuwait through their website.

So, collect the complete details about any requirements to be fulfilled before planning your first time visit to this country.

karie josee
