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Alzheimer’s reasearch makes major step with blood test

British scientists have made a “major step forward” in developing a blood test to predict the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

1,000 people were sampled in the study which has identified a set of proteins in the blood which can predict the start of the dementia with 87% accuracy.

The findings will be used to improve trials for new dementia drugs.

Experts warned that the test was not yet ready for doctors’ surgeries.

Research into treatments for Alzheimer’s disease has been plagued by failure.

Between 2002 and 2012, 99.6% of trials aimed at preventing or reversing the disease flopped.

Doctors believe the failure is down to treating patients when it is already too late, since symptoms appear around a decade after the start of the disease.

Identifying patients earlier is one of the priorities for dementia research.

