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This Is Why You Should Travel

This really makes sense, especially today, when we are forced to be a victim of ‘modern humanity’. Things like digital bombardment, traffic hassles, work stress, break ups, recession, inflation, affairs and countless personal issues are frequently adding noise in our life.

So, a big question arises here. How can we escape from these nerve-racking situations? The perfect answer that pops up in my mind is ‘travel’. However, travelling as a stress buster should not be kept above everything, compromising your priorities in life.

Travel for Memory!

What memory would spring to your mind if I ask you about your last 2 years? I know, you wouldn’t tell me about the assignments you submitted to your boss or about the fancy dresses that you bought in Wall-Mart. These are too obvious stuff that you barely cherish for a long time.

On the other hand, you always love to share your ‘on the road’ experiences like going to different places, meeting different people and enjoying different foods – embracing life like a child. After all, travelling is just a store house of precious memories.

Travel to Escape from Routine Life!

Following the same everyday rituals can be boredom for you and your family. If you think that you all are stuck in a rut, then just pack your bag for a trip!

When you travel to different places, you are free from your routine life and also, you get a pretty good time to relax and de-stress with your family. No doubt, family comes first.

Just imagine swimming in the deep blue water of Jamaica when your working table is flooded with office files. Or, imagine being on the top of the Everest when you are at your career’s lowest position. Wouldn’t it be tantalizing? Plus, a small trip will definitely boost your energy once you are back to your everyday life.

Travel for Refreshment!

Staying home can be one way to unwind but definitely not an ideal way to truly refresh your body and mind. Rather than confiding yourself into the four walls of your home, you can explore different places – preventing your mind and body from stagnating. Ever wondered why people go for a walk after a hard day’s work? The reason – we need to refresh our minds just as we refresh our computers for better performance. Travelling can help you escape from a turned-off life and reintroduce to a life full of energy.

While you explore to different places, you also learn about different perspectives of living. You get to know different cultures, languages, relationships, dishes, festivals, climates, floras, faunas – everything that refreshes your mind, while learning new things.

Travel for Knowledge!

Though books and schools provide us information/knowledge and pave way for a better life, the real knowledge in life comes from experiences. No schools or accredited institutions in the whole world can provide you the knowledge that you can gain from travelling.

When you visit different places, you get a chance to meet different people of all races that have their own customs and beliefs. You will realize how different things and people are in different parts of the world. This is how we can establish new relationships, get social, learn more and experience life from a different angle.

As you set your feet to different lands, you become more confident and independent. You will have the courage and confidence to deal with those issues that you might not have been able to handle properly in the past. Now tell me, which educational institute does this?

There is no denying the fact that travelling demands pretty high expenses, including transportation, hotels, meals and a lot of other tentative stuff. However, these expenses really look small when compared to the value you achieve after your amazing trip. Duh! Life certainly is more than hundred dollar bills!

David Sandler
