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Plus Sized Coats Can Be Stylish Too

Once upon a time there were stores named, Lane Bryant, and yes we realize many of you have no idea what we’re talking about. Well, they had a section for plus-sized clothing, and it was so pathetic because there were hardly any clothes in that section. That was the time when whoever was designing the plus size coats must have been using a pattern for Army ponchos. If you do not remember these things, you are lucky. However if those are your memories, then you know how different the scene looks, today. You also know that sometimes finding a nice coat that fits well can be a challenge. Here are a couple of excellent shopping tips we hope will help you when you’re ready to go out and buy a new coat.

Once upon a time, all plus sized coats and jackets were the same shape: big and billowy. But now, it’s different – yay, and you can find just about any shape or style of plus size coats. If you like the very large and flowing look, then you can still buy them. On the other hand, for those who really want to wear something stylish, then you can find that and wear it. There’s some creativity involved such as form fitting in the appropriate places. If you like the trench coat look, you can find them. What shape of coat do you like best? Would youi be happy wearing something with an hour glass shape to it? You can find all shapes and choose what you like. Just remember, not all shapes are going to look the same once you are wearing them!

Your plus sized coat or jacket will suit you best if you shop for something that looks slimming on you. There are certainly benefits to this approach. If you are self conscious about your appearance you’ll want something with a slimming effect. If you don’t want to accidentally look larger than you really are these coats are a good choice. If you are self conscious about your weight you want to avoid feeling worse by avoiding big puffy coats.

In reality you should have room to move in your coat.

Something tight could make you look bulky or bumpy with other clothing underneith. If you want extra space then buy a coat that is a size bigger. The priority before you buy anything is to make sure that you have room to move around in your new coat. People are crazy, sort of, and we all view things differently and that includes coats! Do you love fashion and all it entails? Then there are people who want a coat that will keep them warm – end of story. Longevity may be important to you. Do you love the classic look? Relax, whatever you like or appeals to you, we promise that you can find it in a plus size. All that means is you can find what you want, and also have fun in the process.
