Before I get started, you need to know that having the perfect nails can be easy if you want it to be. All it needs is care, time and dedication! If you want the perfect nails, then here is what you need to do it and what you need to do with them.
What you will need to get started:
Nail polish remover, Warm luke water in a bowl, a small towel, nail file, nail buffer, cuticle remover oil, hand cream, clear base coat nail polish, top coat polish and a color of your choice to complete the look of your perfect nails!
What to do next!
Remove any nail polish from your nails. using the oily pads rather than acetone bottles
Soak in warm luke water for 7-10 minutes. to relax your hands and soften the cuticles to make them much easier to remove.
Dry your hands lightly with a soft hand towel. the last thing you want to do is use a rough towel just after your hands have been soaking in warm luke water because your hands will still be very sensitive and this can lead to rashes and light scratches.
Massage hand cream into your hands. with a thin layer of hand cream
Cover cuticles with the cuticle remover oil. for 5-10 minutes to ensure that the cuticles absorb the oil properly for it to do its job correctly.
file your nails to the length and shape you desire. You have to be very careful on how you file your nails because fling them the wrong way might just damage your nails by making them weaker.
Use the four sides of the buffer to buff your nails.Most buffers will have instructions on which sides to use first by using a number sequence
Rinse your hands with warm soapy water and dry. This is just to remove all the residue nails from all the filing and buffing you have just done to avoid clumping when applying your nail polish.
Apply a thin layer of your base coat polish. This is mainly to prevent your nails turning a horrible yellow color from stains often caused from using colored nail polished on your nails
Apply the desired colored nail polish. using one thin layer at a time until you reach the thickness and color you want
Apply a layer of clear top coat polish. to give your nails a lovely shiny finish
What NOT to do:
Sleep right after applying nail polish.
Wash dishes without wearing gloves!
Bite your nail when it tears
leave the house without a nail file and hand cream!
Ali Ahmed