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Organic Foods And Their Benefits

The term “organic” is used to refer to the ways in which the agricultural products are grown and processed. For the products to be known as organic, certain requirements must be met.

One requirement is that the plants must be free from any genetically engineered inner cell structures. According to the experts, the crops must be identical to those found in the wild.

The other requirement that has to be met is that the crops must be grown in safe soil that is free from any chemicals. To ensure that the land is free from any chemicals, you must first uproot any kinds of chemically handled plants that might be growing on the land.

After doing this you should leave the land alone for a period of at least two years. This period is meant to allow the land time to recuperate from the different chemicals which might be loaded on it.

Once you are sure that the land has recuperated, you should start feeding it with organic fertilizers. The fertilizers must not be petroleum or sewage sludge-based. The best fertilizers to use are manure and compost. The fertilizers are meant to prepare the land for planting.

Once the land is fully prepared and the right fertilizers applied, you should now plant your crops. To protect your crops from pests, you should use friendly insects and plants. Traps are also very effective in controlling pests.

To maintain the organic nature of the crops you should not use any pesticides. This is because pesticides have been shown to bring about developmental delays, motor dysfunction, and behavioral disorders.

When it comes to weeds, you should not use herbicides. Here you should use natural methods such as hand weeding, mulching, trilling, and crop rotation.

There are a number of benefits that come with organic foods. One of the benefits is that organic foods tend to be fresher and tastier. The reason as to why the foods are fresher is because they usually don’t have any preservatives. The foods also tend to be straight from the farm.

Organic foods are also very beneficial to the environment as they reduce air, water, and soil pollution. The foods also aid in conserving water, increasing soil fertility, and reducing use of energy.

Another benefit of the foods is that they bring about financial benefits. This is because the money stays within the community that produces the foods. This brings about prosperity and strengthening of the local economy.

Duncan Lancer