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Is Cheddar Cheese Good For You?

For many years dieters have been told to avoid cheese as it can be high in calories and sodium. The fact of the matter, however, is that when eaten in moderation, certain cheeses such as cheddar can actually be very good for you. The only thing to keep in mind is to opt for lower fat versions when available and to always limit your intake. If you do that, you will be able to get all of the health benefits of cheddar cheese without any of the unwanted side effects such as problems with your cardiovascular health. Here are some of the reasons why cheddar cheese can be incredibly healthy making it an ideal addition to your diet.


Most people know that cheese is a good source of protein, but cheddar cheese in particular can do a great job at providing this necessary nutrient. Protein is needed to make sure your cells work properly and to maintain not only your muscles but also your organ tissues, skin and bones. If you have just one slice of cheddar cheese (which should be around one ounce), then you will get an amazing seven grams of protein. Keep in mind that women need around 46 grams a day while men need around 56 meaning that this can give you a great head start and in such a small bite.


Calcium is the one thing that everyone, no matter their knowledge or lack thereof when it comes to nutrition, knows you can get from dairy products. Of course, cheddar cheese is no exception. We need calcium to help make our bones and teeth strong. We also need it for the nervous system, our enzymes, hormones, blood vessels and muscles. If you have a slice of cheddar, you will get around 200 milligrams of this nutrient which is between a fifth and a sixth of what you need in one day.

Other Nutrients

In addition to providing calcium and protein, cheddar cheese can give you plenty of other nutrients as well. It is a great source of both vitamin A and phosphorus. Vitamin A is necessary for our reproductive system, vision, immune system and bones while phosphorus helps with maintaining the health of our teeth and bones as well as tissue and cell growth. Cheddar can also give a good amount of zinc and vitamin D. One thing to keep in mind is that while reduced fat cheddar cheese is good for maintaining your weight, it will also reduce the amount of vitamin A and vitamin D as these are fat-soluble vitamins.

Other Benefits

Amazingly enough, the health benefits of cheddar cheese even extend to help preventing cavities. Doctors and dentists are still trying to figure out why exactly this works but they think that eating cheddar will stimulate your saliva flow. This in turn will help clear your food and therefore reduce your risk of developing cavities. Another great thing about cheddar is that unlike other cheeses, it doesn’t contain as much lactose which makes it great for those who are sensitive to digesting lactose.

Jet M Perreault
